Is This A Really Stupid Plan? If So, How Can I Change It?

<p>Okay, this is about my degree plan for my entire college career. I've analyzed it and found it to be doable, but I was going to see what y'all out there thought about it, or if it was necessary. Rising Senoir, btw.</p>

<p>Undergrad: </p>

<p>Mechanical or Environmental Engineering and a business major. My interests lie toward Finance and Management, but I might also try Management, Entrepreneurship, or MIS, as well. Will probably do this at a mid to low tier state school, and use electives toward a minor in Geography or Enviromental Science. Would prefer to go someplace where I could maintain a high GPA while attempting this courseload, because I don't want to have to try and fight a horrible GPA.</p>

<p>Grad School:</p>

<p>JDMBA is what I want. (Law Degree plus an MBA) If I went for Accounting for Undergrad, I would continue in MBA program and shoot for CPA, otherwise I will still have to wade through the MBA world and try to find something that would work well for me (I'm thinking Executive MBA, though). Also want a Law Degree because I have a strong interest in Law and related subjects, and would probably get a degree in Tax Law or Estates and Wills, which is what my father does. Would be shooting for prestige here, and my preffered Grad School of choice is the University of Chicago.</p>

<p>So, can I do this? If so, how?</p>

<p>ME, Envir Eng, Bus Admin/Accounting, Finance, Geography, Law, CPA (why not?), Tax Law Estates and Wills</p>

<p>Enough for about 4 lifetimes.</p>

<p>You have quite the smorgasbourg right now. I’d say go to a good school which will give you a nice selection. I wouldn’t worry about Grad at this point. You’re too “planned out”. Remain flexible, be ready to add/change as you encounter more things. Good luck to you.</p>

<p>I suppose all is possible, but I’m not sure why you want engineering. It doesn’t really fit in with the rest of your interests as well.</p>

<p>Yeah, Engineering is not something I am passionate about, mainly I would do it so I can work in my family’s robotics business. My real interests actually are in the social sciences and business (which, IMO, is just a large social science anyways with more practical application). I’m also not as interested in accounting as in other areas of the business world, but I did take an Accounting class last year and liked it a lot, along with the fact that an accounting major at a low-tier university, according to the business forum here, is looked upon more highly than someone who majors in another business field at the same university.</p>

<p>So it really wouldn’t be too bad to get a dual degree for undergrad and grad? My main goal is flexibility, with my primary career of interest being a management consultant. Also, is it harder to get into a JDMBA program than a regular MBA program or Law School? Thanks again!!!</p>

<p>OP - It sounds like you’re planning on working for a living, so kudos on that. But it’s hard to see how JD + CPA fits that scenario. JD + UG_Accounting + MBA, sure. JD + Engineering is a bit unusual, but I can see that working out. (A good friend is an inventor, and JD + Engineering is what he wishes he had!) I say keep your options open … but T26E4 is right, you have several lifetimes in your current plan. Good luck!</p>