Is this a sign?!

<p>Sorry if the headline made any of you guys hopeful. i am so confused by the whole college "game" or what ever else it is called. I got into cornell and georgetown but then penn and brown sucked. </p>

<p>i know stanford has a completely different standard for judging and what not but i really am worried. are the rejections any indication of what is to come at 3:00 this afternoon?</p>

<p>not really. i got rejected from yale and waitlisted at harvard, but that was with the common app. i felt a lot better using stanford's application. so who knows.</p>

<p>Don't worry, they are not indicative. Most colleges make decisions by comparing our profiles with the collegesÂ’ requirement. They will need a few science geniuses (the "auto-admits" from intel, simens and olympiads), and although you may not be one of them, you are certainly able to contribute to the school community in your own way.</p>

<p>That being said, there are definitely a minimum academic standard and some positive personal attributes that they are looking for. Since you have been admitted to Cornell and Georgetown, I am very sure that you stand a good chance today.</p>

<p>All the best.</p>