Is this an advantage?

<p>Is being Hispanic/Latino an advantage for getting into Ivy League schools? (How about low-income family)?</p>

<p>If you look down the page, you will see this thread:</p>

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>While the OP asks about NHRP, my reply is aimed at Hispanic students in general.</p>

<p>Remember, the Ivy League is a sports conference. Other than a few administrative policies the schools in it are not uniform in how they conduct admissions.</p>

<p>I see from your past threads that your country of origin is Brazil. That complicates whether or not colleges will consider you Hispanic or not. Do a Search of this forum for Brazil/Brazilian and you will find the relevant threads.</p>

<p>You apparently have experience on this topic. Perhaps you know the answer to this question. There have been various opinions but no one speaks from a real place of knowing. Other than those NHRP who score in the top 2.5% and either apply and get accepted with support or get recruited with support at the IVIES, my question is more to do with the B or B+ student. When they apply to a school that is looking for more minority students, will they offer awards or cash incentives even though the grades are just in line with their stats or perhaps a little bit lower? 3.4 vs. 3.6, etc.</p>

<p>When you apply at a college for a merit scholarship targeted at Hipanic or URM students, you are essentially competing within the group of Hispanic/URM applicants. So your chances of receiving a merit scholarship is increased as your stats and other criteria specified in the specific scholarship place you higher in that pool of candidates. Since the likelyhood of getting a merit award is best when you are at the tippy top of the applicant pool, these schools are by definition almost always safety and match schools.</p>

<p>As far as your scenario of being slightly below the gpa average of a school and receiving a merit award based on your Hispanic heritage, that depends on the applicant pool for that award. If there are many other very qualified Hispanic candidates above the average gpa, then your chances are lower. If for some reason (location, etc.) the school is particularly undesirable school to Hispanic students and few apply, you might be more likely to get a merit award. And if there are other criteria in addition to gpa that are being considered (eg. low income, hardship, country of origin, leadership), this will affect the outcome.</p>

<p>How about Latinos?</p>

<p>Latino=Hispanic for college admissions/scholarship purposes; with the exception of Brazilians as I noted in post #2.</p>