Is this an appropriate email? Please help!

<p>Hey. So I applied to a program at a school im applying to, and I emailed the assistant dean of admissions.</p>

<p>The dean said that they would only be requesting interviews from the most competitive applicants for the program (the program is new- just coming out the year i enter college and is international)</p>

<p>I got an email requesting an interview today (and proceeded to freak out) However, as I prodded into the subject more, I realized that under FAQ's on their website, it said that all applicants were going to be interviewed.</p>

<p>Is it appropriate for me to ask this in my response email: (or if not, how can i rephrase it?)</p>

<p>"Thanks so much for your email! I would be delighted to set up a time to do an interview. In previous correspondences, NYU said they were only interviewing competitive candidates, is that still true, or is everyone being interviewed?"
(I then go on to request a time yadda yadda yadda)</p>

<p>I dont want to seem rude or paranoid, or even controlling, by asking so directly if they chose me for an interview, or if they chose everyone for an interview- but I REALLY want to know. Trust me. Otherwise I would have never risked it and just said YOLO.</p>

<p>Of course you want to know. Anybody in your position would want to know!</p>

<p>If I were in your position, I wouldn’t ask. I simply don’t think there’s a way to ask that question that doesn’t sound cheeky.</p>