Is this bad?

<p>Most people in my school go up to calc AB or BC by senior year. Due to my mediocre grades in middle school, I was put in a lower math class that was behind most kids. I have been taking honors and ap in almost every other subject by Junior Year and I got an A in geometry and so far have had an A+ alg. 2 yet i moved up to honors and have a C which I am working to get up. The farthest I can go up is pre-calc or pre-calc honors and will not be able to be at the same level as most who will be in calc ab or calc bc. Is this gonna look really bad on my college apps? I want to do something with political science or writing so math isnt too important to the major. I know I want to try to apply to LAC's like kenyon, bates, macalester, vassar, or universities like Tufts</p>

<p>Am I screwed?!?!</p>

<p>Depends. It differs for each school.</p>

<p>For example, if you were at MY school, that would be the normal. Calc AB/BC is a senior level course for seniors who are one year ahead. Pre-Cal is the normal, regular senior course.</p>

<p>So, I don’t think so, no.</p>

<p>Yeah, I’m in the same boat. My middle school didn’t offer an Algebra I Honors course so I was stuck taking regular Algebra I, and according to district policy, you can’t move on to Geometry your freshman year unless you have taken Algebra I Honors in eighth grade. Therefore, I’m stuck taking Trig/Pre-Cal Honors this year while my friends are taking AP Calculus. I’m still a little bitter, but I try not to let it get to me. I don’t think colleges will care that much though. As long as you’ve taken an Honors math class every single year and performed fairly well, then you should be fine.</p>