<p>My school district has this two-year nursing program for high school students, at the completion of which you become a Licensed Practical Nurse. I'm currently a sophomore, and my parents are basically forcing me to do this next year. I don't have any interest in being a nurse, I'm leaning toward neurosurgery or developmental and behavioral pediatrics. My parents said if I do it, I'll come out of high school with a good-paying part-time job, and that it will help me with med school admissions (will med schools even care?). Additionally, this program would take up the entire summer between junior and senior year for me, a time when I could ideally get involved with something more important to me. For my parents, it's me doing the program or failure. I, on the other hand, highly doubt that something I choose (or don't choose) to do now will so heavily impact my future. Med school is so far off in the future. All I want right now is to get into a good college.</p>
<p>I just need some opinions. Is doing the program a good idea? If I did it, it would take up two whole periods in my schedule, and I wouldn't be able to take Spanish III and AP Chemistry next year, classes that I think will be infinitely more important in the long run (and classes that I'm really looking forward to taking). What do you think?</p>