Is this even possible?

<p>(Sorry if this is the wrong section to post)
Is it possible to do an impressive/respectable EC that doesnt take up massive amounts of hours?
Just wanted to know.</p>


<p>hard to say...usually what makes an EC so impressive is the amount of time you've dedicated to it. short of saving someone from a burning building, i think you're out of luck.</p>

<p>Appeared on a show, Jeopardy contestant? something out of the ordinary</p>

<p>lol@#3 and 4</p>

<p>I agree with Smirf that what makes an EC great is the amount of time dedicated to it. However, perhaps doing something impressive with your summer would be a good option, because while it would take time, it would not cut into your studies and such. Which, I assume, is why you ask. Not just because you're lazy and want to get into college with the least effort possible. If that's the case, good luck.</p>

<p>LOL yeah some girl at my school is an alternate on teen Jep -_-x junior too, got 2370 first try, a translator for some big Vietnamese company...but gerneally most exc take alot of time and it is that time/dedication that universities look for. Theres a reason why Eagle scout or doing an instrument or something that takes numerous years is so higly looked at. But really any real extra curricular should take alot of time for it to be something univerisities find unique</p>

<p>My papa is Ken Jennings.</p>

<p>would it help if you relative was a dignitary eg president or ambassador or prince etc or something famous.</p>

<p>so yeah pinnipotto, you were right, i just want to have a small time frame ec to prevent it from screwing my school year. im already planning on a summer program. any other ideas?</p>