Is this helpful for UC Admissions chances?

I found this the other day and I’m just wondering how useful these could be in predicting UC admissions chances/odds. It looks like they could possibly helpful for all the UC’s except UCB and UCLA, not the end all but definitely seems like a decent predictor. It shows the acceptance rates of the all the UC’s based off of GPA ranges, test score ranges, # of honors courses taken and etc. I just want to hear what you all think about this for evaluating chances at UC’s.

UC Santa Barbara:

UC Davis:

UC Irvine:

UC Santa Cruz:

UC Riverside:

UC Merced:

UC San Diego:

UC Los Angeles:

UC Berkeley:

All the information found on these links are what I use in chancing OP’s for the UC’s. They are updated each year for the new in-coming class, so they are very helpful for gauging your chances. Just remember, most of these are averages and not broken out by majors. The more competitive the major, the higher above the averages you want to have your Stats. It still does not take into account EC’s and essays, but comparing Stats still gives you an idea if in you are in the ballpark.

Also common datasets for each school is helpful which uses unweighted GPA (4.0 scale) instead of the UC GPA.

Those links are UC GPA though I’m guessing right?

And for UC Unweighted GPA do they still only do grades from 10-11? Because my UW GPA from grades 10-11 is 3.82 while from 9-12 it is 3.72.

Yes, your posted links are for the UC GPA. The unweighted GPA is still 10-11th a-g courses for the common dataset.

@Gumbymom But for like Santa Cruz it says that 95% of applicants with a UC GPA of 4.00 or higher get admitted. So if my UC GPA is 4.18 doesn’t that mean I have a really good chance at getting in?

Yes, you have a good chance for an acceptance, but test scores/course rigor/EC’s and essays are all part of the application package, so all of these things will be considered. A high GPA will definitely help your chances so without knowing your test scores/course rigor etc… UCSC would be a solid Match.

I prefer to use the Stats listed off the UC website which gives the 50th percentile (average)