Is this over-reaching?

<p>This is my plan for the next few months. Do you guys think I could do this if I really commit myself to it? I NEED to get a 5 in all of them; anything less is useless to me. </p>

<p>Please note I've got a very busy schedule, with IB classes, 16 hours a week working a job, and such... </p>

<p>Self Study AP's-
Physics B (Never taken a physics class before)
Psychology (I heard it's a pretty easy self-study AP)</p>

<p>Other AP's-
<em>Please note that all my classes are IB</em> classes, not AP. </p>

<p>Biology + Chemistry- I have both as IB SL classes this year, so hopefully with a month of preparation beforehand I will be able to get a 5. </p>

<p>Computer Science A- I'm taking AP Comp. Science online as a virtual class on top of my school curriculum, so if I prepare a month beforehand I should be fine. I have some experience with programming. </p>

<p>English Lit + Composition- I'm pretty good with English, so a few run-throughs of all the lit. terms should make me alright. </p>

<p>Calculus AB- Also pretty good with calculus, so a bit of studying beforehand should make me solid. </p>

<p>Could I get an opinion from you guys if I can pull this off, or should I cut down the number of AP's I'm trying to do? (These are technically "self-studies" since I don't have any of these AP classes with the exception of Comp. Science, but that's an online course.)</p>

<p>you should be okay, i would think. one thing, though - have you started studying for physics yet? if not, that boat has pretty much sailed. and psych shouldn't be a problem. </p>

<p>with english lit, definitely make sure to study poetry analysis, not just the terms.</p>

<p>Yeah I've been studying about a month with physics now. It's not too bad, but it's definitely tough to self-study something you've never even delved into before.</p>

<p>over-reaching? no.
Necessary? no.</p>

<p>If you are any good at all at calculus, take the BC exam instead of the AB. The two additional chapters are in my opinion extremely easy and the test is so heavily scaled that a 5 is all but guaranteed if you mostly understand the topics.</p>

<p>Also, if you're just bulking up on AP's for the sake of it, you might be interested in the English language exam as well. The only difference between this and the literature one is that this deals more with nonfiction and how things are written instead of symbols and that such. Outside of an analytical mind and maybe 10 vocabulary words, nothing needed.</p>