<p>I just got my plan test results
comp. 26
eng. 21
math. 30
read. 26
sci. 25</p>
<p>predicted ACT range was 27 to 31 </p>
<p>I know it is possible.
but is it reasonable for me to be able to ( with about a year of studying, because I took the plan test cold) to get a 33+ on my ACT? </p>
<p>What should I do to improve based on my scores?</p>
<p>Thanks if you help because I know that there are a lot of these types of threads.</p>
<p>i would focus most on your english and reading because they are some of your relativelyy lower scores and are pretty easy to bring up
for english-just read the Real ACT or an SAT prep book. just refresh yourself on english rules and im sure your score will come right up…</p>
<p>For reading, read alot of prose to familiarize yourself…</p>
<p>Also, take a few science tests to get used to the time constraint</p>
<p>anythings possible, you can’t give up… try hard… even if you dont reach 33, you will still be greatful that your score is better than it would be</p>