Is this worth it?

<p>So I'm a incoming sophomore and I took all IB courses my freshmen year and I end of the school year with one A which was Spanish and 6 Bs (world studies; algebra; computer tech; structured lit; P.E and biology) and I was ranked 23 out of a class of 206 and I'm going to take all IB classes my sophomore and I'm wondering if my grades are similar to my freshman year. Is it worth all the hassle? Is it going to help me in the log run? Should I go to normal classes and try to get straight As rather then almost straight Bs in IB?</p>

<p>If I were you I would work really hard and would try to achieve straight A’s in your IB classes. However, if you feel like it’s an unrealistic goal i’d perhaps move down to regular classes as too many B’s is never good if you aim on applying to top tier universities. With that being said, moving down will be looked down upon by adcoms since the rigour of your schedule with reduce significantly. </p>

<p>How about taking a mix of IB classes and regular classes? Try that out and work really HARD to achieve the best grades possible. I’m sure with a lot of hard work you can even achieve A’s by doing full IB. </p>

<p>Hope I helped and Good Luck! :slight_smile: </p>

<p>I considered doing a mix but my school only has 22 students enrolled in the IB program and we have the same over and over for all 7 periods or should I just take all honors classes as my friends say that honors are less challenging </p>

<p>If you want to be challenged and believe you can pull your grades up in your IB classes, I’d say stay in IB since it will definitely be worth it in the long haul. However, if don’t care about doing the IB diploma in 11th/12th grade and would rather do honors/AP then I’d take all honours classes. </p>

<p>You should also take into consideration what your priorities are? Do you want to take the easy road (honours classes), bring up your GPA/class rank and get into college with less effort or do you want to work really hard and perhaps get there with much more effort although you’ll ultimately gain more and will be more prepared for university? </p>