Should I join IB

Hi guys Im currently a sophomore and
deciding on whether or not to do the whole IB diploma. My councler has told me that I
should not take the IB program because I
won’t do well, but I am scared she is right. I have only taken honors and 1 AP class. I am a student who gets letter grades of B’s and A’s, and a hardworker. What I would like to know is if IB classes are different from AP/honors? Will the IB diploma benefit me in the future (ex: collage) ? I hear that IB gives a ton of classwork and is more challening BUT prepares you for collage more than AP classes do. I would really want to know what some IB graduates
thought of the program. What are you doing
now? Was it worth taking? Did the IB program prepare you for collage? Any adivise? IS IB AS SCARY AS IT SOUNDS?
Thank you :slight_smile:

Honestly, IB sucks for many and is a helping hand for some. It is a lot more work and a lot more pain. If you think you can handle it, however go for it. But truthfully NOBODY can tell you how you will end up doing on an exam, so if YOU want to do IB then go right ahead. What kind of counselor would even say such a crappy thing??

I agree, how could your counselor say that? They should be encouraging you to take the most challenging courses available in school, which is IB in your case. BTW, colleges rather see you take challenging courses and get average grades, than to take easy courses and get “amazing” grades.

Anyways, I just started the IB program and yes, it’s pretty difficult. Tons of homework, lots of requirements to complete, and so much testing --all in one month so far. However, I’ve seriously learned so much in that one month. IB classes force you to go outside of your comfort zone to develop the skills you need for real life with all of the presentations and group work you’re assigned to. Despite the workload, what you get out from IB will become very valuable whether you’d like to believe it or not. Also, I hear that many college students find college to be easier than the IB program, so think about that: Would you rather go through 2 years of hell (IB) or 4+ years of hell (college)? I feel like the difference between AP and IB is that AP focuses on material whereas IB is very holistic, if that makes sense. There’s been many instances where I’ve used my skills and knowledge from one class to other classes. Anyways, don’t believe people who say that IB is a waste of time and kills your spirit. I feel like the main reason why some students struggle in IB is because they procrastinate like crazy. Don’t be that guy!

TL;DR - Do the IB diploma program if you value learning and growing as a person. There’s a lot of work to be done but honestly, you get used to it. Also, it forces you to develop better time management skills = VERY IMPORTANT IN REAL LIFE. So if you become an IB student, my only advice to you is to never procrastinate. You’ll have an easier time in IB.

If the counselor truly believes that a student won’t be successful in the most challenging courses, then the counselor would be doing a disservice by encouraging that student to take the most challenging courses.

That said, there are a number of potential biases to be wary of here—consider the rate at which academically talented African-Americans have historically been steered away from AP and IB courses, or girls from higher-level math and science courses, for example—and so it’d be good to make absolutely sure none of those are in play here.

Colleges want to see students who academically challenge themselves. Although you should be happy with your classes, you should also be challenging yourself as much as possible. A counselor shouldn’t be setting low expectations for their students. To warn a student about IB is one thing, but to completely discourage a student away from IB is not being very helpful.