Is This Worth Mentioning?

<p>Hello All, I am fluent in 4~5 languages(Depending on how you count), but I never remembered to put that anywhere in my applications or interviews. </p>

<p>Is this worth mentioning to selective colleges via an email update?</p>

<p>You… forgot to mention it?</p>

<p>I’d say so.</p>

<p>are you a foreign student? Are the all different languages or ust different dialects of a similar language? I’d say mention it unless you’re like some of the people I know who speak Hindi and about 6 other Indian languages which are all similar or another situation like that</p>

<p>Europeans are pretty much forced to learn a bunch of other european languages so…</p>

<p>Sure. I dont think its going to make a big difference though, but if you really want to you could mention it.</p>