Is transferring realistic?

<p>"northwestern was around 33</p>

<p>now, penn is aroune 15, brown is now at 6 percent, northwestern is at 17 percent</p>

<p>good luck next year man, it will prob be like 10, 2, and 10 respectively"
- bball87
(I don't know how to quote, I'm new at this, bare with me)</p>

<p>But your post about Northwestern's acceptance rate for Fall transfers is wrong...flat out:</p>

<p><a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>Looking at this data, published by Northwestern you'll find:
(Accepted/Applied)- %
Fall 2000- 210/615- 34.14%
Fall 2001- 186/631- 29.48%
Fall 2002- 90/551- 16.33%
Fall 2003- 180/610- 29.5%
Fall 2004- 166/529- 31.38%</p>

<p>5-yr average: 832/2936- 28.34%
All 5 %'s added & averaged- 28.17%</p>

<p>Even if the Fall 2005 unpublished info went down to 17%, statistically the evidence would essentially state that this was a rare occurrence, much like the Fall 2002 acceptance rate. It is possible that you are correct and they will stay down between 15-20%, but much of the evidence doesn't support it. The usual acceptance rate is about a 29-31% acceptance with a few more in 2000, and a lot less in 2002. </p>

<p>One year changes do not constitute an overall change in acceptance dot on a graph isn't a trend, it's just one data point.</p>