Is transferring realistic?

<p>I'm planning on going to a tier 1 school for the next two years to make up for my lousy high school record, and then transferring to a better school (preferably Georgetown). Today I learned that SATs and my high school transcript are both required by Georgetown transfer admissions. My SATs are okay (730v,580m), but I had a 2.7 GPA. Assuming I clean up my act in college, pull a 3.8 cumulative, get involved in a few worthwhile extracurriculars, and do considerable volunteer work (I've already started), is Georgetown a reasonable goal? Will my past bar me from transferring up?</p>

<p>It is certaintly possible. nspeds got into Georgetown with a 2.3 or so high school GPA.</p>

<p>Your high school grades weigh more if you apply transfer as incoming sophomore. If you can pull off a very high GPA (about 3.7+ for Georgetown) for the first two college years, then you have a realistically plausible chance of getting in. A lot of people have been accepted as transfers to good schools without having a stellar high school GPA so although it is a factor in decision making, most likely they won't scratch you off the list just because of your high school GPA.</p>

<p>No offense, but I can't stand it when people speculate about their GPA. Transferring to Georgetown IS realistic, just don't assume you'll get this awesome GPA and get right in. Believe it or not, college it tough no matter where you are.</p>

<p>Good luck, I think you'll do fine.</p>

No offense, but I can't stand it when people speculate about their GPA. Transferring to Georgetown IS realistic, just don't assume you'll get this awesome GPA and get right in. Believe it or not, college it tough no matter where you are.</p>

<p>Good luck, I think you'll do fine.


<p>College isn't that bad. I find college to be a lot more easy that high school for some reason.</p>

<p>aahahaha your high school must be super competitive or something then.</p>

<p>If it's more easy than high school, your college is definitely not tough enough. If it is just easier, then perhaps you're right.</p>

<p>^ holy ****. My college work is so much harder than high school. I had a 3.7 unweighted in HS and now I struggle to keep my GPA above a 3.0.</p>

<p>Hey quick question guys...What happen if I have a 3.6 in HS, 3.8 in college but low SAT scores (1700)? Should I retake the SAT I?</p>

<p>Depends where you want to transfer... For a more competitive school, you might as well try to raise them a bit, especially if you will applying to transfer as a sophomore. As a junior, SATs would matter less.</p>

<p>These responses are very different from what I was getting on the thread I posted. On my thread people were saying that if I wanted just a slim chance I ought have a 4.0 in College, 2100 SATs and a great everything else. Can someone clarify on what an applicant would need to transfer to a top school as a junior given that the they had a less than desirable HS career? (Somewhat similar to the OP)</p>

<p>well things are gettin much harder</p>

<p>2 years ago, penn was acceptin around 25 percent of transfers</p>

<p>brown was around 28-30 percent</p>

<p>northwestern was around 33</p>

<p>now, penn is aroune 15, brown is now at 6 percent, northwestern is at 17 percent</p>

<p>good luck next year man, it will prob be like 10, 2, and 10 respectively</p>

<p>well, i come from a 'prestigious' public school (one of the best in california)...and everyone i've talked to at community college so far says its easier. so before you guys assume a person's college is **** easy, maybe you might consider that they were more well prepared in high school, than you were =</p>

<p>It's hard for me to believe the posters who say that college is easier than high school. Especially when they can't use good grammar. It's better prepared, not more well. More easy. Ha.</p>

<p>Go to a harder college.</p>

<p>Ilovecalifornia, didn't you say you wanted to go to DVC? Well, I'm at DVC now and it is in no way easy. I went to one of the best public high schools in cali too, and I find DVC relatively tough.</p>

<p>"Especially when they can't use good grammar." I think you mean proper grammar.</p>

<p>Personally I think that the college material is harder but the college classes themselves are easier. So much more focused and organized. Straightforward learning without any BS. From my experience there's definately bigger workloads in college classes, but I deal with it far better than I ever did in high school.</p>

<p>However, in my blunt opinion, you can ace high school with half a brain just by working hard and never really knowing what the f*** you're doing, but that doesn't work so well in most colleges.</p>


<p>you know what i hate about collegeconfidential the most?</p>

<p>all these nerds or wannabe nerds who take cheap shots at other people's grammar in order to avoid the real substance of the discussion. seriously, grow up. </p>

<p>and to nina, its just what i heard, thats all.</p>

<p>and yea i do want to go to dvc or vista.</p>

<p>haha the madden bus. nice observation. the guy who wrote that is obviously a foolish hypocrite lol</p>

No offense, but I can't stand it when people speculate about their GPA. Transferring to Georgetown IS realistic, just don't assume you'll get this awesome GPA and get right in. Believe it or not, college it tough no matter where you are.</p>

<p>Good luck, I think you'll do fine.


<p>I'm sorry if I came off as arrogant or presumptuous. I really just wanted to know if my high school record would bar me from a top school regardless of outstanding performance in college.</p>