Is Univ. of Miami good in Business ?

<p>Hello, I would like to know your opinion.</p>

<p>Here is a link to a trip report that includes info on the business program. WIWA's S did choose UM and has been very happy with the program. I will try to contact her and send her here to help you.
<a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>I did see this post and did not reply because "good" is hard to define. Do you mean highly ranked? Do you mean do kids get jobs? In which area of specialty? Etc., etc.</p>

<p>Advising is great. In addition to a regular advisor, freshmen are assigned Peer Advisors who are selected students who mentor/help incoming frosh. There are also other administrators at the bus school who have advised my S re: internships, jobs, courses, scholarships, etc. Now my S is very proactive and very focused and seeks out what he needs/wants. I do not know how they serve kids who are less motivated/go-getters. I believe they are especially strong in Finance and International Business.</p>

<p>When we asked similar questions during a campus visit, we spoke with Ellen McPhillip who was the undergrad admissions person. She had TONS of info about the program, the graduates, the contacts, the internships. You might contact her with specific questions.</p>

<p>Miami has a great regional reputation in business. Many of the Miami-based companies go there first to recruit. It's not going to be up high in many rankings, their UG business in the US News rank is in the 70s I think, and their graduate ranking is similar. But that's a national ranking. A lot of people don't understand that for business, it's all about how your regional ties are. Only a select few schools have their degrees valued extremely high throughout the country. Every other school it's about how their degree is viewed in the area. </p>

<p>A New York company isn't going to recruit at Ohio State, when they can take students from Fordham, because they know that student wants to take that job. A Miami company isn't going to recruit at Washington, because a UW student isn't likely to want to go to Miami.</p>

<p>I received a great scholarship from Miami to go to their business school, my concern is that I don't want to stay in South Florida when I graduate. I got in to Michigan,Illinos and Texas business schools without any $$$. Do I save my parents a ton of money or go to the best business school I got in to?</p>

<p>When we visited, we were told that many students take business and finance jobs in the northeast, where they are from originally. UM certainly has great ties to the FL business community, but the list of national companies that recruit there regularly is quite long. Ask Ellen McPhillip at 305 284 2987. I am sure she can send you a current full list. </p>

<p>Among the companies recruiting there during the past 2 years:
Capital One
Wal Mart
Merrill Lynch
Cicso Systems
Deloitte & Touche
Eli Lilly
Lucent Technology
Templeton Worldwide
Royal Caribbean
and many more
Ernst & Young</p>

<p>Here is a list from the Bus School website of companies that recruit on campus.
<a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>This is a much broader list than the one I worked from, which was in a pamphlet from a Bus School packet on the undergraduate program. Thanks M3S.</p>

<p>However, it may be that some of these companies are recruiting MBAs there - not kids with bachelor's degrees. Still, it is indicative that UM clearly has a national rep. And I think they may have a 5th year program that would grant you an MBA after getting your Bachelor's. </p>

<p>My S went to a summer intership fair in October and found recruiters from many US big firms and big cities - LA, Chicago, etc. In the end he opted for local work because he can live here rent free, and he hopes to combine that with a part-time internship in the local office of a well known national firm.</p>