I am a junior and looking for a good school to apply to. I am kind of interested and need help and opinions.
ACT: 28 and writing: 9
GPA: 3.8
On student government for two years
Co-president (1 of 2) for a volunteer group that send kids to Haiti to build a house every two years (have been on for all four years)
Part of the Tennis Team for four years (three years of varsity)
Two part time jobs: reception at tennis center and court runner at a local attorney’s office
St. Jude volunteer that answers phones during radiothon and telethon and help set up for all and walkathon since seventh grade
Mentor and tutor for peers for three years
Please help. Thank you guys!
What are you thinking of majoring in?
Biochemistry @GloriaVaughn
And will apply early action
It’s a good school. I don’t know about their stats, though.
@collegesearcherz If your gpa is on a 4 point unweighted scale, maybe. Otherwise, I doubt you’d get in EA and it’s a toss-up regular. If you can bring your ACT up to at least a 30, your odds go up. IDK offhand if U of I is a school where you have to apply to your major, but if it is, you could run into being accepted to the school, but not your intended major. The hard sciences are very popular majors there, which means you need better stats than if you were intending to major in the humanities.
You might want to check out Rose-Hulman in Indiana. They’re a really good STEM school that doesn’t have as much competition for admittance. Their standards are still high, it’s just that no one knows about them.
It appears they do admit by major. Here are the stats from the 2017 class.
@DCNatFan thank you for the link. @GloriaVaughn My gpa is on a 4.0 scale and thanks for the information!