Is virginia tech good for business?

<p>me and my parents wanted engineering soooo bad but I got denied from it so I am forced to do something else. I was going to minor in business but I'll be majoring now I guess. so are they known for a good business school?</p>

<p>I don’t know about business at VT, but it is possible to transfer into Engineering, if you take the right math and chemistry classes in the fall and Engineering Exploration in the spring. Talk to your adviser.</p>

<p>Pamplin is actually a very good school. If you want to get on Wall Street then you’ll have to be a little bit more proactive than someone at UVA’s McIntire would be, but we sent students to Goldman Sachs last year so it’s definitely possible. </p>

<p>To answer your engineering question: You can switch to engineering once you get here. You’ll have to take the math and science courses that engineers take, but keep your grades up and you can get in. Speak to adviser about your plan though. </p>

<p>Yes, Pamplin’s school of business here is actually not too bad. Next to engineering, it’s probably what most people end up going to.</p>

<p>Like the others have said before me, it definitely is possible to switch to engineering, although you may have to fall a year behind everyone. That shouldn’t really matter though if you really want to get that engineering degree. Good luck!</p>