Is writing about Sushi weird??

<p>So I wrote this as a sophomore last year (junior now). Basically I wrote about how my hunger made me all greedy at a sushi buffet, and how that taught me a lesson to NOT be greedy over food (or anything really). </p>

<p>is this topic awkward? or not strong? I think it is..BUT i'm not too sure.
My english teacher last year read it over and scored an 8.5/10.
But you see, my english teacher was extremely easy. So I can't completely trust her...haha....</p>

<p>what do you think! please help me!</p>

<p>THANKS :)</p>

<p>“is this topic awkward?”</p>

<p>Without reading it I can’t really know, but probably.
It’s not the sushi that’s awkward, it’s the “being hungry taught me not to be greedy” part. I don’t get it.</p>

<p>I also did my college essay about sushi, so this is kinda relevant to me. I think I pulled it off pretty well, so it can definitely be done. I was admitted to the University of Washington in Seattle this year. PM me if you want a copy of my essay.</p>

<p>If you use the sushi buffet as a metaphor, it could be very effective. If your hunger is a hunger for knowledge and the buffet is the choice of classes, majors, etc. you can turn it into a positive. If you tend to overextend yourself and get involved in too many things, you could use your overindulgence in the buffet as a metaphor for finding balance.</p>