Is your school requiring Covid boosters?

I hope it works out for her. That said, it is definitely a moving target.

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Many colleges have much stricter policies for the unvaccinated around testing, masking and quarantining. As the pandemic unfolds the school’s polices change too. Your daughter’s life living on campus will be more complicated and more restricting than her peers who have been vaccinated. I sincerely wish you well and hope you have a change of heart. (Not trying to start a debate.)

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Yes, Skidmore College is requiring boosters and very thankful that they are.

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For reference, here is the previous megathread about colleges’ COVID-19 vaccination requirements and what they may give exemptions for. It probably has not been updated in months, so some colleges’ policies may have changed (including the addition of booster requirements at some colleges). Investigate the colleges’ policies on their own web sites to verify.


She should definitely look at schools in Florida, there will never be vaccine mandates down here for the public universities, the private schools have a little more sway, but Desantis has threatened funding to businesses that mandate anything Covid related. We have so many schools to choose from. This is not a political statement just facts.


Now let’s play nice in the sandbox!!! We still have great Universities down here that provide wonderful educations. Covid or no Covid!!!

I expect all colleges that mandated vaccination to require boosters.

The GW mandate is interesting in that if you dont by a certain date, you then have to test regularly and then wont be able to register for classes for summer/fall.
For my S’s school so far no mandate . For the fall they allowed philosophical exemptions, but still have 96% compliance. They took that away for the spring. With Spring semester starting in 3 weeks and no announcement, and that they never offered vaccines on campus, I cant imagine for spring that they would be able to in a timely manner. My S is graduating in May. (now he may face this from future employers). To note that my S was very reluctant to even get vaccined and did so to not be a college drop out with the end so near, but seeing how even boostered people are getting it, it would be a very hard sell to convince him.
The other thing is that if someone gets Covid now , how that does that play into it.

A lot of people looking for an exemption don’t want a school where vaccines are optional. They benefit from everyone else being vaccinated without needing to do it themselves.

Not trying to get into a debate, but I’d love for schools to be vaxx optional. I’m all about freedom to vaxx or not. Personal choice all the way! :grin::+1: I respect anyone who makes that choice for themselves and their family.


There are some schools that do not mandate COVID vaccine but do mandate most other vaccines. Exemptions for schools that require it are very very few and very strictly enforced.

There are vaccine-optional schools out there.

My daughter is vaxxed and boosted but also immune-compromised and very glad the school she will attend next year has a vaccine requirement and nearly 100% compliance among students and employees… They haven’t yet announced a booster requirement, but I think they will soon and we will be glad for that, too.


Problem is when the choice one makes affects more than just oneself and one’s family.

Abiding laws about drinking and driving is also a “personal choice” - and I would be ecstatic if it always only affected the drunk driver!

Naturally, my response is not me entering this non-debate, either. :wink:


We have all seen that you can contract and transmit Covid whether or not you are vaccinated. Plus, drinking and driving is quite different than injecting an experimental vaccine into someone. But, glad we aren’t debating. :grinning::wink:


Right, and we have all seen that vaccinated people with Covid are much less likely to end up in a hospital (and clogging resources), which has been the main goal of the vaccine since day one.


But less likely if you are vaccinated, and less likely to have to go to the hospital or get long COVID if you do get a breakthrough infection after vaccination than if you get an unvaccinated infection.

The Pfizer Comirnaty vaccine has full FDA approval for age 16+, so you have a choice of a fully approved (versus EUA) vaccine.


Williams announced a booster requirement today.

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People can crash their car even when they’re sober, but I bet you don’t tell your daughter that makes it ok to drink and drive.

I’m sorry. I’m just so tired of all the misunderstanding/ misinformation.

Yes, you can still contract and transmit Covid if you’re vaccinated. You’re just much less like to get it and transmit it and if you do get it, you’re a lot less likely to have anything more than mild symptoms.


Let’s focus on the above question and relegate off-topic posts to the more appropriate thread. This includes, but is not limited to:

  • Can I / Should I get an exemption for the initial jab?

  • Comparison of COVID deaths with car accident deaths.

  • Transmission rates of vaccinated vs unvaccinated

All of which are fascinating, but are better in a different thread