Isn't this weird...

<p>I had my interview two weeks ago, but it still struck me kind of weird.</p>

<p>My interviewer asked me for my ACT score, SAT score, GPA, and class rank. Not only that, she also asked me what other schools I applied to, what I wrote in those college essays, and what I wrote in my Yale essay.</p>

<p>Now is this going to be used in my report? Do they have a way of really finding out what I wrote?</p>

<p>No. But frankly most of those questions are contrary to the guidelines Yale publishes for its volunteers. I’ve asked about essay topics to see if it can generate a line of conversation but the other stuff? Never.</p>

<p>happened to me [asking for scores]. its not totally uncommon</p>

<p>She also asked me about my college accepatances so far and made note of it on her laptop. Is that going to be included in my report, so that Yale would see where else I have been accepted?</p>