<p>Hey, so I got an "invitation" to apply to the ISP (Integrated Science Program). I have some questions:
Did a lot of you get similar invitations?
Does it indicate that i'm in good status?
Can i apply to both HPME and ISP, and can i be in both HPME and ISP?
I didn't indicate that I was going to apply to ISP on the NU Common App supplement. Can I still apply?
Anyone have any opinions of the program?</p>
<p>I got the ISP email, too.</p>
<p>me too .</p>
<p>S got email today…are you going to apply?</p>
<p>I got the email too. I think everyone who applied gets it.</p>
<p>Not hard to get in. But very difficult to stay!</p>
<p>Doesn’t NU send the invites to candidates they feel may be interested in ISP and have the academic qualifications?</p>
<p>I feel like they just sent it to everyone… maybe not people who applied to schools like Medill but definitely engineering and WCAS.</p>
<p>I didn’t get it, but I applied to the School of Communications and have not shown any interest in science at Northwestern.</p>
<p>if you have any interest in pursuing medicine whatsoever, do not apply into ISP. it will pull your gpa down drastically, which is ultimately what’s most important for applications. if you have a genuine interest in pursuing a career in science (but non medicine related) and you want a challenge then go for it. honestly its one of the hardest tracks on campus and a lot of people come out with really low gpas. even though it sounds impressive, you don’t want your NU experience to be any harder than it already will be…</p>
<p>nobody is special until they get the acceptance letter. this is basically those mails that people who got a 190 or better in the PSAT scores telling them to apply to Harvard, Princeton, and Yale. I got mails from these schools and i clearly know i don’t have a shot. these mails are no indicators of your chances of getting in. i got this email too because i applied for McCormick. probably Weinberg and McCormick people get it</p>