Issyp 2021

Hello! I’ve just applied to the ISSYP 2021 programme. Didn’t see any threads so I made one here - even though application is closing soon! How did everyone find the application? Where are you applying from :slightly_smiling_face:

Applying from China and still have not finalized my essay :upside_down_face:
500 words is so little ahhhhh

Yeah it is difficult! I had to get rid of a lot of stuff before I submitted. Included most of of my CV in the extracurricular section which helped. I know I’ll have to wait a while- but just want to find out! Hopefully COVID won’t ruin everything.

Yea I am also kinda worried that the online format will destroy all the interactive opportunities. Also time zone difference dictates that I will have to pull all nighters for two weeks (if admitted)…that really sucks
Btw which country are you applying from? :grinning:

Applied from Bangladesh…Do you think it is more competitive this year? and what kind of ECAs did you all have?

This year is very competitive for summer camps. Which grade are you in ?

Yeah I imagine it’ll be as competitive as it usually is. I’m from the UK!

Hopefully it’ll go ahead in person. Last year I think they had to cut people from the program based on time zones not matching up. Crossing my fingers

I think they said that it will be online this year, but students from all time zones may apply (if they don’t mind the time zone difference).

11th grade…hbu?

And what kind of ECAs did you have? any awards?

I had no idea! Thanks for letting me know. Where did you read that?

No awards- I have done work experience placements though at Physics institutions.

What about you?

On their website, they said “ISSYP is an exciting and challenging two-week online program”

Physics club, Research Internship (not related to Physics), Machine Learning internship etc.


I also applied; have both internships and physics related EC’s, participated in competitions, a solid transcript, non-physics EC’s + volunteering, some awards etc. Hope we all get it :slight_smile:

That’s great- where are you applying from? Waiting for the results is killing me :joy:

I’m from Turkey :slight_smile: Also couldn’t agree more :weary: The results arrive around the 30th, right?