IT career, going back to school


I’m probably going to ask this same question in a few forums just because I think it could use the input of the people who generally hang around specific forums. I hope this isn’t against the rules!

I have about 8 years experience in IT as Systems administrator, Network administrator, and also had a management position for about a year and a half before the company fell under (not my fault, I swear!). I also do freelance web development on the side. Haven’t made much of that.

I only have an AA degree (and plenty of certs) and some advanced math courses (and a bunch of other science/math courses). I transferred into UCF and start in the summer.

I’d like to get into/stay in IT management, Network Services Management/VP roles, that kind of thing. Not so much the nitty-gritty hands on, but the business and planning side of IT. I am starting at UCF in the summer but have not narrowed down my degree. They don’t have an MIS degree BTW.

I think CompSci might not be the way to go since it is more technical and programming. I looked at Industrial engineering and the process improvement/quantitative stuff seems great, but also I feel like it’s not a well-known degree and might get me stuck in manufacturing or somewhere where my IT skills will go to waste.

Should I maybe go Accounting BS -> MBA/CPA (or perhaps Finance -> MBA/CFA?). What are your thoughts on job prospects with these credentials?