<p>the curiosity i.e. :)</p>
<p>I know this is not admissions related but can someone who
knows tell me if .....</p>
<p>the sun actually did shine through the entire length of the
infinite corridor January 27th at 4:38 PM or thereabout as
it was setting? :D</p>
<p>I have no idea what this is about.</p>
<p>Guess that's why I'm not at MIT.</p>
<p>did they build it so that that would happen? or is it just an incredible coincidence?</p>
<p>Thanks Fermion! :D</p>
<p>In the URL cited by Fermion, under "Data, Computations, and Sources of Error
there is a mention of
...the</a> Infinite Corridor should have been constructed parallel to this line... ;</p>
<p>...wonder if this implies the MITHenge was actually planned like
lhslexingtonorg is asking? </p>
<p>WOW! :cool:</p>