It's DEFERRED, people! not deffered

<p>So many posters are saying they have been "deffered," and when I see that, I think, well, maybe there's a reason! Just kidding, but remember the rule that if the stress is on the last syllable ending in a consonant, the consonant is usually doubled to make the past tense. The verb is "defer," not "deffer" anyway.</p>

<p>Haha, word to that. Learn to spell, everyone!</p>

<p>You misunderstand. It’s the comparative form of “def” (def, deffer, mos’ def).</p>

<p>i have always spelled it deferred so im good</p>

<p>IndependEnt not independant
SepArate not seperate
DefinItely not definately</p>

<p>These are just my pet misspelling peeves.</p>

<p>My pet peeve is when people correct others. Yes, it may annoy you that someone says “John and Me” or misspells a word such as financial but its really not a big deal.</p>

<p>“John and Me”</p>

<p>That is actually correct. It’s better. Anyone who says “John and I” is a…well, I shouldn’t say it here.</p>

<p>In formal writing, of course use proper grammar and spelling. But in informal writing, I think you should be able to do whatever you want. Who cares?</p>

<p>^ we’re not smart enough to understand what people are saying when they say things like

, so we of modest brainpower need the posters, who are actually brilliant enough to understand that line of text, to type in proper English…</p>

<p>AMEN! Preach it, Sistah!</p>

<p>they need to do way instain mother> who kill thier babbys. becuse these babby cant frigth back? it was on the news this mroing a mother in ar who had kill her three kids . they are taking the three babby back to new york too lady to rest my pary are with the father who lost his chrilden ; i am truley sorry for your lots</p>



<p>that cant be real</p>

<p>^ it is; google it; it’s pretty famous</p>

<p>As I am a grammar Nazi, this is my favorite thread.</p>

<p>Someone get the OP a tampon…</p>