<p>I'm a senior in high school. I did pretty bad in high school until this year (a cumulative 3.0, only a few honors/AP classes... two extracurriculars the whole time in high school).</p>
<p>But this year, especially this semester, I've whipped into shape (got a 3.85...) and I want to keep that up through college. Because I have a good ACT score (second-highest in my high school, behind our valedictorian) I got into Auburn University, which is the best university in my state of Alabama. I want to go there for two years and really kick ass... and if I do that, do I stand a chance at Columbia for my junior year? Basically, what kind of grades do I have to make?</p>
<p>BTW, I'm a writer... will having written a novel be a good hook?</p>
<p>^keep it in your pants, doing well for one semester is not the same as consistent good performance. If you can in fact get top grades at Auburn and show yourself to be a leader, initiative taker, and someone who would thrive at Columbia then I see no reason why you cannot get in.</p>
<p>Reason why I could not get in: 6.4% transfer acceptance rate. 'Nuff said.</p>
<p>That book can be a hook–if you can keep your performance consistently high (even better: improve each semester) and blow your SAT’s out of the water, you might have a decent shot.</p>
<p>What are your EC’s like, btw? Lots of writing? If that’s passion, I’d say that’s a good thing :)</p>
<p>"That book can be a hook–if you can keep your performance consistently high (even better: improve each semester) and blow your SAT’s out of the water, you might have a decent shot.</p>
<p>What are your EC’s like, btw? Lots of writing? If that’s passion, I’d say that’s a good thing "</p>
<p>My ECs suck for the most part, because my main EC–debate–was canceled by our school in the middle of last year. I do a lot of writing–I’m about 50,000 words into a novel I’d really like to just end right now, it’s not that great; hopefully I can write a better one while at Auburn–including a thesis I’m writing for three test grades in my History class called “A Study of Jewish Alienation in America After World War II.” It’s a college-level project; maybe I could get it published.</p>