<p>i think your high gpa and difficult course load balances your decent SAT. i think your SAT is about average (maybe below) so don't worry too much. lack of SAT II and extracirric activites may work against you</p>
<p>oh i totally forgot
Math II:760
US History:780
<p>i've played so much fh for my highschool and three different club teams so that has taken up pretty much all of time, but i tore my acl and achilies in sep. and my recruitment for d1 ended there</p>
<p>i just want to say something...jhu is kind of unpredictable...it's mean gpa was 3.66 for 2005 and it's median gpa was 3.8 something for 2005 O.o so yea lol...
edit: hence extremely skewed...
edit: anyhow middle 50% people have around a 2160</p>
<p>yeah, i've been thinking the same thing. i think it was a little naive of me to make a "chances" thread for myself because, well, none of the people giving me responses have really seen my application or the breadth of my experiences. </p>
<p>just give it your all and apply. don't wait for someone's opinion of whether you're worthy or not. =]</p>
<p>yea...it's completely unpredictable...look at past acceptance threads and look at websites like collegedata or mychances, etc...jhu is one of the most unpredicatlbe in terms of admission. they accept people who have been rejected from many other colleges and waitless/reject people who are accepted to many top tier schools...but i doubt they do this in terms of having a better yield rate but yea</p>
<p>Your chances are quite good. You are solid academically and excelled in athletics and leadership. I am surprised your verbal is so low given your high writing test score. Can you explain it away or possibly retake the verbal part? Usually pre-meds take SAT IIs dealing with science to demonstrate their abilities to handle the pre-med studies.</p>