IU Bloomington Early Action for Fall 2022 Admission

Congratulations! Did he have to petition for Kelley direct admit?

IS SSA only for Indiana resident. Any idea what the criteria is.

No my daughter is OOS and was invited to apply for SSA

Do you mind sharing your daughter’s stats. Mine got direct admit to Kelly and Dean’s scholarship for $7K/year. We were hoping to get some more money so we dont end up spending fortune on it. She really wants to go to Kelly
Was your daughter invited to apply via email?

Yes she also got the deans scholarship and got an email invite to apply for the SSA and also got an acceptance to the Hutton Honors college. 4.1 WGPA/3.98 30 ACT. Hope that helps. Her older brother is a sophomore at Kelley too. Not sure if that’s where she’ll end up as she’s waiting on a number of other schools. However Kelley is her best undergrad business option!

Son just got email he got into Kelley about 10 mins ago.
IU Application submitted 10/12
Kelley Petition filed 10/29
Accepted to IU 11/5
Petition accepted 1/13
OOS NY; 3.8/1330 SAT (submitted)


DS petition for Kelley approved. Went to Spam this morning, so make sure to be checking that! OOS NY/ 3.7/ 1320. Applied to IU end of Oct, Kelley petition submitted end of November. Had already received $6000/ year scholarship from IU. VERY happy and excited.


Congrats! Did your status update on the portal from Pre-business to Business Undergrad? My D received an email yesterday about the Kelley direct admit petition approval but the status has not updated on the portal yet.

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Thanks! I heard it takes a couple of weeks for the portal to update - just checked and it still says Pre-business. Maybe check again sometime next week? Congrats to your D too!

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Son applied 10/31. Direct admit to Kelley.

We have not received honors information and I surprised he was not considered. Any Kelley admits not get their Hutton information yet? How long does that take? He got the Deans list scholarship of $7k per year. Daughter applied 3 years ago and got into Hutton with lower stats than him.

Anyone else get asked for mid-year grades? Son has a 3.8 UW, 4.2W, 1320 SAT OOS so we were pretty surprised by this. Applied for business and did the Kelley petition. He’s been 9/9 with other acceptances. His mid-term grades are lower than his current GPA so thinking we might just give up on IU. His BFF with a 3.2 and no SAT was accepted a week after he applied.

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At least they reached out. I’d suggest sending the grades in because that BFF got in with a 3.2 and we’re petitioning with a 3.8 WGPA. Make it a perfect 10/10.

I would also send in the grades, especially if his weighted GPA is still over 3.8…don’t give up! And, congrats on all the other acceptances.

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My DS was asked for mid year grades as well. He has an unusual profile after a disastrous freshman year gpa had a powerful impact on his overall gpa. It’s solid from sophomore year on, but I’m guessing they want to see if his upward trend continues. He’s also applying for Sports Marketing/management, not Kelly.

I got my Kelley petition accepted yesterday and got Hutton Direct Admit email today.

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Good luck to your son!! If he hasn’t already done so, it would be a good idea to ask his GC help “explain” his freshman year grades and highlight his upwardly mobile GPA in the Mid-Year report his high school will be sending to IU and all the other colleges he has applied to.

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Great idea :+1:

Can I ask your stats? My son is a 4.3 gpa and a 1480 sat. Little surprised he didn’t get in as he wasn’t contacted. He’s been in Kelley for weeks.

Sure. I had a 1340 SAT with a 4.34 GPA. I had multiple AP’s and leadership positions on my application. Don’t quote me on this as I am probably wrong but I think Hutton ditched the SAT for direct admit, maybe they’re looking more at grades and EC’s. Hopefully you hear some good news in the next few days or so!

I only mention the SAT thing because I had a friend at my school who also got direct admit into Hutton with lower stats than me.