IU Bloomington Early Action for Fall 2022 Admission

I think just for the major scholarships! DM me and I’ll disclose the names of them––I got one but I could self-dox myself if I explicitly state the name. I think they wanted to finish the interview process for those before distributing hutton scholarships among others.

I can’t DM you - it says your profile is profile is private. Thanks though!

It sounds like it’s a guaranteed transfer program:

I received my SSA yesterday from Hutton Honors College. Did anyone else and how much money did you get?

another $4K here from Hutton

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Same for my D22. $4k from Hutton. She received $9k Dean’s Scholarship back in Dec or Jan.

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Same, received $2K a year.

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Congrats everyone. Did you get an email or was it in your portal

When did you guys who just got a Hutton Scholarship submit your SSA?

Received via email, and I think she submitted it in early January.

I got an email at my IU email address, and it also showed in my financial aid in my portal.

I submitted it Jan. 31st.

Usually I wouldn’t recommend the LLC, but since it’s moving back to McNutt next year its a good way to guarantee yourself a spot in the Northwest Neighborhood. It’s just north of Kelley and has a new dining hall/convenience store. It’s also right next to the sports complexes so walking to games is easier.

Especially as a Finance major, I recommend buying the best Windows computer you can buy. It makes using Access/Excel a lot easier and it’s the gold standard for the corporate world.

Would you say for majors like Economic Consulting and Public Policy Analysis that Windows is still optimal, or is it really only necessary for majors like Information Systems, Finance, Business Analytics, etc?

You don’t need a PC. I’ve been using a Mac in Kelley for 2 years, and I’ve been fine because I used IU Anyware (this is a platform where you can virtually access a campus PC desktop through your Mac) or I went to a physical desktop whenever I needed Excel for K204, K303, and STAT-S301. After a while, I actually started using Google Sheets for S301 just because the function names were the same, so I no longer needed to go to a desktop.

If you like the convenience of having the same version of Excel (w/ Power Query) and Access as the professors in K201/204 and K303/304 and you’re not willing to walk to a desktop on campus, or the look of IU Anyware just bothers you, buy a PC. Personally, I didn’t buy a PC because I like my Mac, and I didn’t mind using IU Anyware after I got used to it.

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Thanks. This is very helpful. DS has Windows/ Excel on his Macbook, but I’m thinking that when you refer to the version used by professors it means that the MacBook version of Excel is different.

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Glad it was helpful! Yes, the Macbook version of Excel is very different, and once you get into K303/K304 you will need to Excel with Power Query. I don’t think you can use Microsoft Access on a Mac either. Your son will need to use IU Anyware on his Mac or go to a desktop on campus.

Does anyone know if there is something like a discord server for Indiana University?

Does anyone know if Kelley rescinds direct admit acceptances for poor second semester grades or falling below a 3.8