IU Kelley Petition Tracker 2022

Two years ago people reportedly heard on Dec. 23 (the Monday before Christmas), but I don’t think anyone reported that they heard this week last year. I think if people don’t hear by Thursday, it will likely be quiet until the week after New Year’s Day.

submitted petition on Sept 10 (think it was the first day available to petition), rec’d acceptance on Dec 8. 4.2 W GPA, no Test score submitted. 5 AP/IB. OOS

I petitioned before acceptance to IU as I was told I would not be considered for direct admit without scores.

Anyone heard about their petition this week?

do you get an email or do you get a portal update for the kelley school of busienss program. Also, I heard about a way too see if you are a direct admit in your portal and I was wondering if that is true. please correct me if I am wrong.

I believe you would receive an email first. The portal change takes a few weeks. I don’t know of any way to see your status on the portal before the email and later portal change. No one has reported any petition decisions for 2-3 weeks. I suspect the holidays delayed some decisions or they may just be holding on until later in the month. If people receive anything this week, we will know that they are still sending them out in batches.

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I applied on 10/30, accepted to IU in late November/early December. Submitted petition 11/13. 1340 SAT and 4.34 weighted GPA, still haven’t heard back. Anyone else apply right around me and not hear anything?

You are not alone. Petitioned late October; Accepted early November; still waiting.

My daughter is still waiting, too. 4.2 weighted GPA, 1300 SAT. So far she’s heard of a few people being accepted via petition test optional with lower GPAs than her/yours. I hope sending the score wasn’t a mistake, but when the people are being accepted with 3.7s who opted not to send their scores in the 1100s and 1200s, it makes me wonder!

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While i agree with what you are saying, lot of people have to petition because their transcripts have unweighted gpa less than 3.8. People with weighted gpa in their transcripts have some advantage in this petitioning process as well.

I’ve heard stories of people with low 1200’s get petitions accepted, but at this point it’s all a guessing game. Best of luck to your daughter, hopefully everything works out for everyone petitioning!

Applied to IU 10-21, completed petition to Kelley 10-31, accepted to IU 11–16. 4.0 UW GPA, no test scores, significant extracurriculars. Still waiting. From the posts above, it seems that people that waited to petition until after they were accepted into IU got into Kelley right away.

ESpice21- no, don’t worry! We applied 10/15, accepted to IU 11/11, petitioned Kelley 12/10…still waiting….

You could attempt to sign up for Direct Admit Day. If you’re not admitted yet it will give you an error message


thanks for that, does it truly work?

i was able me to put in my university id and my last name and then it took me to the page to submit more information about me, so should i submit that to find out if i am direct admit or does just signing into the form mean i am direct admit?

I can confirm that you get the error message if you haven’t been admitted. Perhaps someone who has been admitted can confirm that they DON’T get an error.

so do you get the error message when you’re trying to log in?

Yes - message says “Not eligible for Direct Admit Day RSVP.”

Submitted petition day before it was due, so somewhere around 11/16? Hoping (and half expecting) to get in, but fingers crossed!)

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The fact that you get past the first page sounds very promising! Obviously it isn’t a guarantee, but it sure seems like good news!