IU Kelley Petition Tracker 2022

wow thanks a lot, it definitely reduced my stress lol but I agree, it isn’t a guarantee.

Anyone know when more petition decisions are expected to be released?

I’m guessing this Friday on 01/14. Someone above said decisions supposedly come out on a biweekly basis on Friday’s. Knowing that the last day for decisions results is 01/28 which is also a Friday, 2 weeks prior would be 01/14. Just my assumption though.

My son applied to IU on 10/27. Petitioned for Kelley on 11/6. Admitted to IU on 11/11. He has a 3.97 and 1320 SAT. I was advised by the business school to submit his SAT, but he has friends who did not submit theirs and had GPA of 3.8 and 4. They were both already admitted to Kelley. I don’t understand this process. Maybe they are processing the ones who did not submit SAT scores first???

I don’t understand it, either. My daughter’s SAT was 1300. I advised her to send it because I knew several students who were petitioning test optional because their scores were significantly lower. Well, those students’ petitions have been admitted, and hers has not. Plus, those students also have significantly lower GPAs. Now I’m kicking myself because I feel like sending the score was a mistake. The test optional decision is so complicated.

And since when aren’t these grades good enough?! I went to Kelley and my GPA and SAT were not as high. And back then it was the #4 school in the country. This makes zero sense for them to have to wait this long…especially since he applied 2 months ago. He has already received scholarship money from IU…and still waiting on Direct Admit. He is now thinking he’ll go to Purdue if they accept him instead if he doesn’t get Direct Admit.

If it helps, petitioned without test scores in late October and accepted for IU in early November and still waiting. I don’t know if there is a decipherable way to determine who hears when and why. There has not been a reported petition decision on here since December 17. Maybe people heard last week and just aren’t on this site? Otherwise I am hopeful that a batch will drop at the end of this week. Last year (based on posts only), it looks like they sent out a batch on January 14 (a Thursday) and January 21, and apparently larger batch on January 28.

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Seems like a reasonable assumption to make. Since their deadline is 1/28, like most people they will process more closer to the deadline.

One thing that i do not understand is this. On the penn state thread, nobody seems to care that Smeal is not a direct admit, but for Kelley there is a lot of interest for direct admission. Anybody know why?

Apparently, the deadline for decisions was pushed back last year to Feb. 12 due to an extension granted for submitting petitions, so people kept reporting hearing on Feb. 4 and Feb. 11 (again all Thursdays).

My theory is this: if you are accepted into DUS at Penn State, you can still get into Smeal as long as you complete all the required Entrance to Major courses and meet the minimum GPA of your intended major by end of sophomore year. Smeal direct admit students have to basically do the same thing. So it almost doesn’t matter if you were direct admit or not. Courses are available to all. The only difference I heard is that Smeal students have advisors from the business school. Not sure how difficult it is to switch to Kelley from main but maybe it’s harder? Or they have a quota of tranfers?

Just a guess, but I think it is because of the concern that you need to meet certain criteria to get in if you are not a direct admit after your freshman year. I think you cannot get any grade lower than a B for a standard admission. Not even a B-. I think with the class rigor and prerequisites it just adds a lot of stress your first year. Penn State may not have that level of requirement to get into the business school, but I don’t know anything about Penn State.

So I heard back from IUB on December 28th and that means that I should hear back from kelley in 4-6 weeks. But that goes past the Jan. 28. Does this mean that I should hear back from them before the 28th or on the 28th? Does someone know why Kelley has a deadline for the last day to send decisions because I never heard about it before today.

I believe you can petition to kelly for standard admission as well if you have a B-. Smeal needs a higher GPA for some majors like finance which i believe is 3.2. Anyway i was just curious.


I believe it is just a early petition deadline. After that students receive direct admission on a space available basis. If you look in last years thread, some people got direct admission in march.

The deadline for a response comes from the web site and the email confirmation after you have petitioned.

Priority deadline notification
If you petition by December 17, you will receive a direct admission decision by 5 p.m. ET on January 28, 2022.

If you petitioned before Dec. 17, even if you had not been admitted to IU yet, you should hear by January 28. If you are considered a direct admit based on GPA and test scores (and did not need to petition), maybe you would need to wait a little, but if you meet the criteria, you would be fine.

It does help, so thank you! I know a lot of other factors go into the decisions. I just feel so guilty because I am the one who told her to send the scores, and now I worry that it was a mistake—my mistake.

Things are so much harder now, even since my older DD applied to college in 2015. I honestly never imagined my daughter would have to stress with her stats, but everyone out there is a student rockstar! Lol. Hopefully we’ll hear some good news on Thursday. :crossed_fingers:t2:

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Penn State Smeal Business is very difficult to get into. Even if accepted as a direct admit at the end of sophomore year one must have a 3.7 to continue on and major in Finance. The other business majors dont require a 3.7 but I believe do require @3.4. The same reqs apply to those who enter DUS (div of undergraduate studies-so basically undecided) so being a direct admit to smeal doesnt mean much. Ones GPA (overall and in business pre-reqs) at the end of sophomore year is what counts for getting into Smeal.

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Accepted to IU and petitioned for direct admit to Kelly in early Oct but still no decision. 3.87 GPA and 29 ACT. Hopefully it wasnt a mistake to submit the 29 ACT score which is one point shy of the required 30 for direct admit.