IU Kelley Petition Tracker 2022

Because none of your stats exceed any of the direct admission requirements, I’d say 20-30%

Will any petition decisions be released today along with the rest of the early action decisions?

I’m guessing most probably Tuesday or Thursday of this week. Admissions office doesn’t work on weekends as well as Monday as a result from Martin Luther King Jr. Day.

I am OOS and was accepted to IU and awarded $2,000/year. Just accepted to Kelley. Is it possible/likely that additional money may be awarded now that I am accepted to Kelley?

Congratulations! When did you hear?

Last Thursdsy

Thanks so much for this thread. What day of the week are notices sent out? Tuesdays and Thursdays? Is that the pattern? My applicant has a 3.8 GPA, 1290 SAT and strong extracurricular to include Eagle Scout and Boys State. Applied 15 Oct, accepted to IU on 11/11, and petitioned the first week of December. Thoughts on chances?

Thursday Morning for sure based on past data.

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Thanks. And thanks to all of you for your information and honesty. I appreciate it!

My daughter has similar stats. 4.2 GPA 1300 SAT. She petitioned in October when she applied. She’s still waiting to hear, too. It’s really a top choice for her, so I’m stressed about it!

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I’d think she would be in the next batch of approvals since she’s well over the GPA cutoff and at 1300 SAT while petitioning in October. My son (1330 and 3.8 WGPA) petitioned on 12/9. No response yet.

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I agree - her daughter is well over the GPA mark… also my son has exact same stats as yours and he got the DA acceptance email last Thursday so yours might be next too!

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I hope so! I would really like to take advantage of the great scholarship she was offered to IU, but without the Kelly admit, it’s just not a viable option. Fingers XX!

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Still no response. GPA 3.97, SAT 1320. Petitioned 11/6. Received $8k scholarship. I don’t get this process.

If y’all received scholarships to attend IU, it seems like you’d be first in line to get petitions approved. My son’s admittance said, “We know this will come as a surprise but we decided to roll the dice and admit you for Fall 2022…”

LOL!! The process is very confusing. People who qualified for $8000 scholarships still waiting on Kelley admits, and people without scholarships, or with lower ones, already admitted to Kelley. I just don’t know what to think.

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My daughter also received the $8k scholarship. Hopefully we will get good news next Thursday!

I’ll also add I petitioned November 13 and got 9k! You guys are not alone.

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At most nine days away…“Kelley direct admission petitions completed by December 17, 2021 will receive a response no later than January 28, 2022.”

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Probably hear a huge chunk tomorrow and next thursday.

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