IU Kelley Petition Tracker 2022

Awesome!!! Positive vibes all throughout!!

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Same with me! Iā€™m still waiting. I submitted my petition on October 7th. This process is very confusing. Still donā€™t understand why I am forced to wait so long despite my early application.

Congratulations to those who heard today. What a great feeling. Still waiting. Petitioned in October as well. Called in December before the petition deadline to confirm that they had everything. Did receive a $6000/yr scholarship, but the understandable delay due to the volume makes me nervous. I have not heard anyone on here getting denied so far (which causes some concern for chances). I fear (though I have no factual basis) there may be denials on the last day, but in the past there have also been acceptances on the last day. Who knows? I guess we will find out one way or another next Thursday. Good luck to everyone remaining in limbo. It will all be ok one way or another. They do their best to make the right decision for the student and the school. There is no one right school for everyone. One way or another, will post the result to help future applicants.

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Finally heard back from Kelley and I got in. I just wanted to say thank you once more for all the help everyone in this forum gave me. I honestly donā€™t know how I would have gone through all the wait without you guys and I really appreciate it. I mostly plan to go to Kelley and if some of you also plan to go, then I would love to meet you guys. Again, thank you all so much.



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I think there will be a large group of admits next Thursday. Fingers XX for you!

Admitted today! Petitioned 11/6. weighted GPA 3.97, SAT 1320



My son got in this morning. 4.05 GPA, 28 ACT (32 in math). Heā€™s also in Hutton Honors college and received a $9000 a year scholarship and asked to apply for the SSA scholarship.


Is anyone else still waiting?
My son applied to IU on 10/15.
He filed petition on 11/28. Was admitted into IU on 12/23. Was also awarded the presidential scholarship ($7K a year).
Havenā€™t heard from Kelley yet.
WGPA 4.58 SAT 1350

We are still waiting and thatā€™s okay. My son has already been accepted to IU and if he does not make it into Kelley this go around he will work his tail off his freshman year and apply again. Patience and determination are virtues and this kid has a great attitude. Heā€™s been through a lot this past year. His Eagle Scout advisor died suddenly and his initial project was canceled due to COVID. He dusted himself off, found another advisor, and started from scratch but completed the project and earned Eagle. I think what this entire process has taught me - and him - is to never give up and stay focused. Congratulations to all who have heard back! Onward!


Wow continued blessings to him and to you! What an inspiring young manā€¦ Praying you get the email soon too :pray:

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And congrats to all who heard today and really praying for all those who have yet to hear :pray:

Your son has a great attitude, and he probably gets that from you. I think there will be a big group of admits next Thursday. Fingers XX for your son!

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I agree and big congrats to your D!

Enoy your visits and the cold! Both are beautiful campuses in their own way. My son was also accepted to Purdue and is waiting petition decision from Kelley. He submitted his petition on November 13! Good luck!
P.S. My brother lives in Texas and told me the 35 degree weather had the schools closed the other dayā€¦I had to laugh as it was 10 degrees here in Chicago that day! Stay warm:)

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We had great visits at both schools, but it was cold!! IU is absolutely gorgeous- just waiting on Kelley. Purdue was beautiful as well and very dedicated to see you succeed in Krannert!


Anybody know if there are more kelley direct admit days after February25/March 4. Just wondering if there are additional dates in late march or april added later.

From what I understand, the last day for a traunch of names to be released will be this Thursday and by 15 April they will offer slots for those who are on the waitlist. The good news is you can apply after your freshman and sophomore years, too. Of interest, my son has also applied to Michigan and they are not releasing anything now until mid-Feb, mid-March, and mid-April because of the incredible uptick in applicants. Seniors in high school this year are competing against kids who red-shirted themselves last year because of COVID uncertainties. And, many kids are taking a close look at COVID protocols to make their decisions. Iā€™m hearing most are of course willing to get vaccinated but not into 100 percent full-time mask-wearing. That is another hypothesis as to why so many kids have applied to souther schools. It is a mess and a true numbers game. Any other thoughts out there?

Outside of population migration, I donā€™t think the Southern schools are any more popular than the US as a whole. Purdue overenrolled last year. Wisconsin seems to have strong apps and weā€™ll see more this week. Florida schools appear strong but low app increases last year and theyā€™re moving up the rankings. Indiana is also moving up the rankings as a university and its b-school is a good value relative to its peers. Thatā€™s why we applied.