I've failed my first year of IB because of CAS. What do I do now?

<p>Essentially none of my supervisors for CAS projects last semester turned in their supervisor reviews and I had a gap in CAS planning which according to my CAS supervisor means even activities I've completed can't count and I can't get my diploma. He said I can possibly still be considered a diploma candidate but it will be as is I failed my exams, and I just won't get my diploma. I feel awful because he also told me in the mean time that IB is for people who care about the community and bettering themselves and that I obviously do neither. </p>

<p>Does anyone know what happens now? Would it be worth it to keep my IB classes and just not get the diploma? Do I still have to do my EE? Should I still do my EE? Do I register for AP equivalents? Should I just get my GED, go to community college and apply for 4 year college from there? How screwed am I for college admissions and scholarships if I've taken no AP tests this year? </p>

<p>If CAS doesn’t work out, you could do IB without doing the full IB Diploma, taking it like you would AP, meaning they pick and choose which classes to take. I know this is a disappointment, but all is not lost. Do you have an IB Coordinator for your school or the district that might be more understanding? I am not certain, but had heard that if you didn’t get enough hours your junior year, you could make them up your senior year. Still plan on your EE until you find out for sure about CAS. See this -

<a href=“Creativity, activity, service - Wikipedia”>http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Creativity%2C_action%2C_service&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>According to my CAS supervisor making up hours isn’t possible anymore because CAS no longer runs on hours but rather continuous involvement in CAS activities. If that is an option though I will jump on it. Otherwise, I’ll look into taking the classes for certificates. </p>