<p>who do I tell... its an idea for a website but bigger... where do I go with this idea? A patent office or what... google.... bill gates... who?</p>
<p>tell yo mama. she'll love it.</p>
<p>because someone's probably already done that idea.</p>
<p><strong>but really though...get stuff on paper/saved on computer (ex. screenshots, concepts, etc.) and find a copyright lawyer to get that **</strong> copyrighted before someone else steals it.</p>
<p>its more like a concept... I guess I could be willing to design some front panels and stuff, but to be taken seriously do I have to have like a whole website made.</p>
<p>no idea...</p>
<p>watch out for who you tell though because its so easy for, say IBM to steal that idea and run with it, and no one would believe that some random hs/college kid envisioned it 1st.</p>
<p>lol... that's why im being so vague.</p>
<p>call 911, say that your grandpa is having a heart attack, and when the paramedics come, tell them the idea.</p>
<p>Tell us the idea =D</p>
<p>Don't you trust your CC buddies?</p>
<p>I dont .</p>
<p>from what i've seen around here.... no, lol. Anyways, I think I'm gonna develop my idea through college... before i show it to neone, seems like a fun hobby.</p>