<p>I am a Junior at a selective school in New Jersey
I have a 3.85 GPA and have been on high honor role since the 6th grade (except for one quarter of regular honor role)
I have taken/am taking AP Chemistry, AP Physics, AP World History, AP American History, and AP English Literature. and I plan to take 4 more in senior year.
I have been playing the piano for 3 years and the cello for 10 years. I am the cello first chair in my orchestra and always do solo recitals and honor orchestras
I'm fluent in Italian and have gotten an 100 on the regents. (And I was born in Italy, I'm not sure if that helps the diversity factor). I've placed first in an Italian History Competition and gotten several awards from Italian afternoon school (which I attended for 5 years in middle school)
I tutor a boy in math 3 times a week
I worked at a restaurant as a waitress for a year and a half.
I also have an art portfolio and plan to take AP studio art next year.
I am in an Italian Club (treasurer next year), president of the Spanish Club, in the Model UN Club (secretary next year), and in an International Relations Club
And my PSAT score was a 208 (61 in reading, 67 in math, 80 in writing), but I plan to get at least a 2250 on the SATs.</p>
<p>Do you think I can get into Brown University or Columbia? Those are my two top choices at the moment. (I am also looking at Northeastern and Princeton. Stanford too, but that seems unlikely at the moment hahaa) Thank you!</p>
<p>I’ve done extensize research in Brown, becuase it’s also my #1. They focus a LOT of EC’s. And yours are great, try to play up that European lifestyle. I’ve seen a lot of essays differing between Europeans and Americans and they usually rock. One thing I would say is, try to do a sport and diversify your EC’s. Don’t make them ALL Italian. Your AP Classes are great, the class rigor is important and chem and physics in one year shows a lot! I would also try to bump up that Community work (Hospital volunteer…ect).</p>
<p>Sign up for some SAT II’s but for the most part you’re on a good track!</p>
<p>You have great EC’s and the whole Italian thing is pretty unique. The fact that a lot of them have to do with Italian culture also shows you’re very focused. A 3.85 is a bit low for Ivy League and you will definitely need at least a 2200 on SATs, plus 700+ on SAT II’s (which is a must-take). Right now, I say:</p>
<p>Brown: Low Reach
Northeastern: Low Reach
Columbia: Reach
Stanford: High Reach
Princeton: High Reach</p>
<p>This a basically a ‘worst case scenario’, though. Brown and Columbia, from what I’ve heard, tend to be more forgiving on grades if you have good EC’s so those could be High Matches. The HYPS schools are High Reaches for everyone, so unless you cure cancer your chances for those probably won’t change.</p>