Can I get into any Ivy League School?

<p>I am a Junior at a selective school in New Jersey
I have a 3.85 GPA and have been on high honor role since the 6th grade (except for one quarter of regular honor role)
I have taken/am taking AP Chemistry, AP Physics, AP World History, AP American History, and AP English Literature. and I plan to take 4 more in senior year.
I have been playing the piano for 3 years and the cello for 10 years. I am the cello first chair in my orchestra and always do solo recitals and honor orchestras
I'm fluent in Italian and have gotten an 100 on the regents. (And I was born in Italy, I'm not sure if that helps the diversity factor). I've placed first in an Italian History Competition and gotten several awards from Italian afternoon school (which I attended for 5 years in middle school)
I tutor a boy in math 3 times a week
I worked at a restaurant as a waitress for a year and a half.
I also have an art portfolio and plan to take AP studio art next year.
I am in an Italian Club (treasurer next year), president of the Spanish Club, in the Model UN Club (secretary next year), and in an International Relations Club
And my PSAT score was a 208 (61 in reading, 67 in math, 80 in writing), but I plan to get at least a 2250 on the SATs.</p>

<p>Do you think I can get into Brown University or Columbia? Those are my two top choices at the moment. Thank you!</p>

<p>It is difficult to chance for Ivy League schools. Your GPA and ECs are good, but you need to work on the SAT and SAT II. It is pretty difficult to raise 2080 to 2250 so you will probably need to study quite a lot before taking it. I would try the ACT too. Good luck! </p>

<p>Chance Back:
<a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Yeah you have a solid GPA and very impressive EC’s. However, its always to chance for ivy’s but I’d say that if you got that SAT up to 2250-2300+ you would have an excellent chance. Also remember that the essay and teacher recs are important as well.</p>

<p>good luck!</p>

<p>Chance back? :)</p>

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>I really do not think so.
Those grades are preeeeeety bad. Especially for Ivies.</p>

<p>Obviously, you can still go to college.However, I wouldn’t even waste the application fee on applying.</p>

<p>BTW I’m totally a fan of taking harder classes. That sucks that it didn’t work out super well :(</p>

<p>A 3.85 out of a 4.0? Most Ivies have a 3.9 average, and Brown is a 3.8
And if you are talking about the SAT’s… I’ve already broken 2200 on practice tests</p>

<p>I mean, granted, I don’t have perfect grades, I just didn’t think they were that horrible</p>

<p>OMG sorry!!</p>

<p>I was responding to a different post about a person who had a bunch of Cs and Ds.</p>

<p>I have no idea how this ended up on your thread…</p>

<p>Your grades are solid.</p>

<p>As for chancing you, I’d say that you have a good shot at Cornell and Penn.
You’re ECs are good but not super standout. If your teacher recs and essays are really stellar (like, you’re the best writer in your English Class type of thing)Dartmouth/Brown/etc. are possible, but not likely (well they aren’t for anyone). Unless you do something spectacular that you didn’t mention (Olypic Sport, etc.) HYP are prolly out of your range.</p>

<p>Actually I take some of that back.</p>

<p>Your ECs are very cool.
Brown/Columbia/Dartmouth are actually w/in reach. with solid recs, etc.</p>

<p>HYP- well, they are a stretch for anyone</p>

<p>Haha, if those are bad grades, Im scared to hear what you consider good grades =P</p>

<p>Oh ok hhaahahaha thanks I was getting nervous there : )</p>

<p>um… any ivy is a reach. is that GPA weighted or not? </p>

<p>also, a 3.85 is still pretty low. most people applying have 4.0s</p>

<p>Your GPA is 3.85, how many B’s inside? Also how is your ranking?</p>

<p>My school doesn’t rank. But I am in the top 10 %
3.85 is unweighted…weighted would be much higher because I take the hardest classes that my school offers</p>

<p>8th grade 4.0
9th grade 3.9
10th grade 3.7 (from all the new AP’s)</p>

<p>Last Year I had
AP Physics - B
AP American History - B+
Trigonometry Enriched Honors (I’ve been following the Highest math curriculum possible) - B +
Biology 2 - A
English Honors - A +
Spanish Honors - A +
and then A’s in all the others (gym, music, etc.)</p>

<p>This Year so far
AP Literature - A
Spanish Honors - A+
AP Chem - B
Pre-Calculus Enriched Honors - A -
AP World History - B
and A’s in the rest</p>