Ivy League schools still a reach?

<p>I'm looking into applying to Harvard, Yale, Stanford, U Chicago, NYU, and Columbia.</p>

<p>My top choice is Yale, followed by Harvard.</p>

<p>My GPA is a LSAC 4.04.</p>

<p>I have two really good recommendations from two outstanding history professors.</p>

<p>I'm majoring in history at UCLA and, at this point, will graduate summa cum laude.</p>

<p>In my practice LSAT practices I've gotten scores that range from 168-172.</p>

<p>I almost forgot to add that I my father is Mexican and my mother is Mexican-American.</p>

<p>What are my chances at these schools? Thank you.</p>

<p>It'll be easier to answer the question when you've got an actual LSAT score. 4 points isn't huge, but it's still substantial.</p>

<p>The face that you're a first generation Mexican-American helps you a TON. With that GPA, you're in fantastic shape everywhere. If you can get an LSAT in that range my guess is you'll be set.</p>

<p>The X factor is the extra curriculars...how are they? They need to be pretty decent for Yale and Stanford.</p>

<p>I was hoping my first-generation Mexican, URM status would help me a bit. </p>

<p>My extra curriculars are pretty good. I don't know if a senior history thesis helps, working alongside a well-respected professor? It's on holocaust and genocide studies with first source testimony.</p>

<p>I am an officer in a club at school relating to the above study.</p>

<p>I am also a participant in the mock trial program and will be an officer next year.</p>

<p>I have also been a research assistant to two of my professors.</p>

<p>Am I a little shy in the EC's?</p>

<p>I am getting a private tutor for the next couple of months to study with me weekly to get my LSAT score up.</p>

<p>It's Yale. If you got a 170 you'd likey be seen as a 4.0, 175 candidate. 50/50. You'd probably get into Harvard.</p>

<p>Wow, is Yale really that hard to get into? Hmm. . .what should I do from now until senior year in terms of prep or EC's to get into Yale? Should I try to boost my GPA a bit? If I emphasize my Mexican heritage and the difficulties and financial issues that came with it, would I get a better shot?</p>

<p>Harvard admits 9% of its undergraduate applicants. Yale admits 6% of its law school applicants. So you take the small pool of applicants who think they have a shot at Harvard u/g, then think of the really tiny group of terrific students who graduate college and get great LSAT scores. 9% of those latter students who apply to Yale, will get accepted. So yes, law school is very difficult to get into, particularly the top tier. Someone told me that there are 40% of law school applicants who never get accepted anywhere, but that's only anecdotal - I have no idea if that is true or not. </p>

<p>Having said that, you have a great gpa and a big boost from being Hispanic. Assuming you do well on the LSAT - which I do, because clearly you have a lot going for you - you'll get into great schools. You probably will get into a top school, and you shouldn't worry. (Believe it or not, it possible to succeed without going to the top 3 !!) Good luck.</p>

<p>Wow. You have A LOT of things going for you. High GPA, good LSAT (especially since you are hispanic), and URM. I think you can get in to any school you apply to (atleast into one of the big three).</p>

<p>hey histbuff85, im a history major at ucla too! haha just wanted to say that, and i hope you get into wherever you decide. are you planning on going to law school straight out of college?</p>

<p>historybuff, are you doing your lsat prep with any test prep company? just wondering; i'm a student at ucla too.</p>

<p>Yeah, with PowerScore. Thanks Jason.</p>

<p>wow historybuff, i'm an incoming freshmen to UCLA and i plan to major in history and then hopefully, do as well as you did and go to Yale, Harvard, Columbia or U Penn law schools. I'm also Hispanic. This is so weird and cool at the same time. Hey do yuo have any advice from your years at UCLA studying history. My HS AP US and AP Gov teacher went to UCLA and majored in History and he told me to definetly meet Teofilo Ruiz. message me if you can.</p>

<p>Teo is the MAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You HAVE to take a class with him-- if you leave UCLA w/o having taken one you pretty much just threw away all your tuiton, esp. since you're a history major. If you don't take him while at UCLA, then you didn't experience history fully. You learn sooo much; I used to hate midieval history and now it's pretty cool. He is a really cool guy. You're in for a good time. He has gone through a ton of stuff (he saw his friend get shot and killed when they were fighting against Batista-- that alone is pretty awesome). </p>

<p>Seriously. I wish I would've taken more classes w/ him., but now I can't-- other requirements to fulfill.</p>