Ivy League+UChicago chances?

<p>I'm a junior with excellent grades, scores, and course rigor. I am currently attending a well-regarded math and science high school and am taking university level biology, chemistry, and calculus courses. I have the usual extracurriculars: newspaper, research (though no major awards...yet. Hopefully Siemens in the fall)I, music, and mock trial. I am functional in French and Chinese, and am also learning Portuguese and Hebrew. Could I be considered "angular" with the languages, which is what we all know is the goal for applications? I am planning on marketing myself as having two "passions," biology and languages (esp. Chinese.) and saying I want to double major in microbology and Asian studies.</p>

Ivy Leagues- High Reach (With exceptions of possibly Dartmouth and Columbia, which would be standard Reaches)</p>

<p>It’s a bit hard to chance you without SAT/ACT scores. You also don’t partake in any sports I’m assuming. As good as your EC’s are, it really matters if you have major awards/leadership positions, especially noting that there are only about 5 of them. I’m not sure what you mean by “being angular with languages” is the goal for applications, however I would look to emphasize your interest in foreign languages and sciences in your essay if you are truly that passionate about them. Don’t get discouraged though, these schools are a reach for anyone and everyone.</p>

<p>Cannot tell because no EC, GPA, ACT/SAT, volunteer
chance me
<a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/what-my-chances/1621493-sophomore-on-the-right-track.html#latest”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/what-my-chances/1621493-sophomore-on-the-right-track.html#latest&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>“I’m a junior with excellent grades, scores, and course rigor.” I’m not sure if you’ve ever seen a chance thread but the point of them is to provide legitimate information about yourself so that someone who knows about the schools you’re interested in can tell you what they think your chances of getting into those schools are. Nobody wants to chance a presumptuous jerk who comes on to this website to brag. I’m not saying you intended to come off that way, but by reading the first sentence of your post, that is exactly how you sound like. So please, if you are serious about applying to these schools, come back with your actual grades, test scores etc. so that people can give you their beliefs on what your chances to your intended schools are.</p>

<p>Even without knowing your scores, these are all reach schools.</p>

<p>HYP, prolly Columbia too: high reach
Brown, Chicago, Penn: mid/high reach
Cornell, Dartmouth: low reach </p>

<p>I’m assuming excellent grades and scores means 3.9, mid-2200+ SAT/34+ ACT. I’m also hoping you have good accomplishments and leadership in your EC’s. </p>