<p>I looked at Brown.. Didn't appeal to me... Spikedsoymilk.. umm.. O.K. thanx!.. i think.. (not a prestige-whore );).. lol.. k!... umm.. It's just that.. umm.. Go Cardinals!... lol!</p>
<p>Yes, we're all friends and love each other. :D</p>
<p>(i just wanted to clear up the prestige whore thing too, since I think I threw that noun out there to begin with)</p>
<p>Well, busti, I guess now that people have said Brown doesn't have much notoriety outside of the Northeast, it's easy to lose interest. lol ;)</p>
<p>lol!.. Nah, Brown's good!... Brown Fetch!... Good Brown;)...</p>
<p>Wow, you're lucid. lol</p>
<p>I would never name a pet "Brown," unless I hated it. haha.</p>
<p>lol... Brown.. I just see it as some "high-class" school or something.. not for me!... i may have "some" money.. but come on!... lol..</p>
<p>p.s.... gonna take my act's on april 9th.. any pointers?... (already posted it on act/sat.. didn't get info. was looking for..)</p>
<p>Write in complete sentences with a subject and a verb.</p>
<p>Yea, Brown is way hifalutin.</p>
<p>sorry... (subject/verb)... In a forum... come on</p>
<p>Well, it will be good advice on the writing ACT! Buena suerte!</p>
<p>gonna need the luck!.. ;)... thanx... complete sentences! (remember that;))</p>
I want my hard work to pay off
<p>As do we all, but that's a very general statement. If, as I suspect from your willingness to go to any ivy, you mean you want to attend the school that's going to take you the furthest, is "ranked" the highest, ect - you shouldn't JUST look at ivies. </p>
<p>I know for a fact that if you want to live back down in texas a degree from UT-Austin would probably be more universally recognized than a degree from Brown, Penn, or Cornell.</p>
<p>There are great schools out there. Pick the one based on what's right for you, not which is in Harvard's athletic conference!</p>
<p>I don't mean to lecture - I just have it out for the people with the "an ivy - any ivy" mentality - They need to think things through more carefully.</p>
lol... Brown.. I just see it as some "high-class" school or something.. not for me!... i may have "some" money.. but come on!... lol..
<p>All the schools in your athletic league of choice are going to run you the same tab :(</p>
<p>thanx Maize!.. I NEEDED someone to tell me that!.."There are great schools out there. Pick the one based on what's right for you, not which is in Harvard's athletic conference!"... I am now looking at UCLA,UT-Austin, Rice University, and Stanford! ;) thanx</p>
<p>You have a shot at the Ivies and other "most selective" colleges.</p>
<p>wow Busti, you are from Texas too? I wonder how many Mexican-Americans usually apply from Texas...</p>
<p>Busti- you should apply to Brown. Don't let them talk you out of it.</p>
<p>Hi. I just happened to stop by on this board. I'm having the same dilemma and thought you might be able to help. </p>
<p>My choice is between Cornell and the U. of Miami. Cornell, I'm Hotel Management, Miami, Broadcast Journalism. </p>
<p>The thing is, I'm very comfortable with Miami. I've spent a lot of summers there and my aunt is a VP. I live in NJ, btw. </p>
<p>What would you do? Go somewhere where you know you'll be comfortable, but you're in a partying, Club UM atmosphere, or go to an "Ivy" that has a bit more prestige and more seriousness for learning?</p>
<p>Thanx all for the advice!.. ;).. Umm... xaviermania... I would just go with what my heart tells me... I mean if you get accepted to both universities which one would you "rather" go to... I mean, like you stated.. "party atmosphere" or "serious learning", up to you! :)</p>