<p>Need some advice… Do ya’ll think I have a chance to get into an Ivy League University?.. Well… Here it goes… </p>
<p>8th Grade
Spanish I Credit - A
Algebra 1 Credit - A </p>
<p>9th Grade
Pre-Ap English I - A
Pre-Ap Geometry - A
Pre-Ap Biology - A
Pre-Ap W. Geography - A
Health - A
Band I - A
Beg. BCIS (comp. class) - A
Speech - A </p>
<p>10th Grade
Pre-Ap Spanish 2 - A
Pre-Ap Algebra 2 - A
Pre-Ap English 2 - A
Pre-Ap IPC - A
Pre-Ap W. History - A
Beg. Accounting - A
Band 2 - A </p>
<p>11th Grade
1st Semester
Band 3 - A
Pre-Ap English 3 - A
Ap Spanish 3 - A
College: Political Science 1312 - B
Pre-Ap Chemistry - A
Pre-Ap Pre-Calculus - A
Pre-Ap U.S. History - A </p>
<p>12th Grade Schedule
AP English 4
AP Calculus
AP Economics/Government
AP Environmental Science
College: Algebra/English
Band 4 </p>
<p>Taking ACT on April 9… SAT n/a </p>
<p>Extra-Curricular Activities: </p>
<p>9th Grade
Regional Computer Science Qualifier
Alt. Regional Speller
Student Council
Debate </p>
<p>10th Grade
Regional Speller
State Solo & Ensemble Contest … (Superior Rating)
District Honorable Mention One-Act Cast
ATSSB Regional
ATSSB Area (Trumpet)
Student Council
Drum Major
J.E.T.S. Member
Journalism </p>
<p>11th Grade
State Solo & Ensemble Contest… (May 31)
ATSSB Regional (1st Chair Trumpet)
ATSSB Area (Trumpet)
Student Council
J.E.T.S. Member
Assistant Drum Major
Debate…(District 4th)… 2nd State Alt.
Journalism (District)
County Fair 1st Place Photography Division </p>
Played Taps for Assemblies… (9/11…Veteran’s Day…etc…) </p>
16 years old
Somewhat wealthy family </p>
<p>High School:
2A = VERY SMALL!!.. umm… no more than 350 ppl in school </p>
<p>Any advice will help?.. THANX!!!</p>
<p>Pretty good chance. Being a URM will help. If you get a 30+ on the ACT I would say you would have about a 60% chance. Which is way above most people. Good Luck. Brown is a great school.</p>
<p>A really good place to post this thread would be the Chances forum.</p>
<p>busti, I'm a Mexican-American with a 30 ACT and I am applying to Brown. Though, I am from a really poor family. I'll try to let you know how it goes, you are gathering information for next year, right?</p>
<p>If someone on an internet messageboard said that you weren't qualified, would that stop you from applying?</p>
<p>What's the deal with these pre-APs? I notice for some you didn't take the actual APs. Are these APs offered at your school? Are the pre-APs supposed to be taken before the APs, or in the place of them?</p>
[...]into an Ivy League University
<p>Any Ivy? Why? They're all very different. For example, Dartmouth is nothing like Brown or Columbia.</p>
<p>If you're just after prestige try for Hahvahd, Yale, Pton, Stanford, or MIT. After that, you're not going to knock anyones socks off by name dropping. </p>
<p>I think people entering Cornell, Brown, and Penn based on the "any Ivy" syndrome are probably in for a rude awakening. You don't put "ivy league" on your resume. I know a graduate student here at Michigan that went to Cornell. She must have dropped the term "ivy league" a good 10 times in a 2 minute talk about her undergrad years, and she came off as nothing but pretentious and annoying for it.</p>
<p>Furthermore, when I've told kids here about my intention to transfer to Brown, I've received responses such as "why would you want to do that - isn't that a no-name school in New York?" and "I thought that was an all girls high-school in Rhode Island." Bear in mind that much of this is coming from kids that probably would have had at least a chance for acceptance at Brown and who just went through the college application process!</p>
<p>Basically, make sure the schools are right for you before you adopt the all-too-common (and thoroughly stupid) "Ivy-or-bust mentality.</p>
<p>If you're choosing a school other than the ones mentioned above simply for name-droping prestige power, you're in for a disappointment.</p>
<p>Ugh, just to jump in about the name-dropping prestige...</p>
<p>A guy in my class got into Cornell using his gross family connections and is unbearable ever since. We were playing Pitch, and he looks at me and says, "Me and Rabo will be partners. Ivy league team all the way!" I honestly wanted to smack him. And make him eat his Cornell hat.</p>
<p>Yea, when (knock on wood) they let me into Brown (not bloody likely), I can't see myself ever pulling that crap. It just irks me.</p>
<p>I think it's just some people's reaction to spending a year trying to get accepted into the Ivy league, completing a degree there, and later realizing the public at-large considers the ivy league to be HYP, Stanford, and MIT (I wish I had the link - I read recently that in a scientifically conducted survey 3000% more people id'ed Stanford as an ivy than did Brown).</p>
<p>My school has a nasty epidemic of prestige-whores. 2 for a dollar.</p>
<p>haha the best part is when he gets to Cornell is faced with the cold, hard reality that he is attending what is suppose to be the "hardest ivy to get out of ;)"</p>
<p>Umm.. it's not about the "name dropping"... it's just that I have worked sooo hard during high school... that I don't want to settle with an in-state college, because of Texas Law.. "I am already in.. for being in the top 10% of my class"... I want my hard work to pay off... and i don't want a "free admission"...</p>
<p>P.S. I looked into Stanford.. may not be an "ivy".. but Hey!.. 1) Cali. 2)Good School 3) FAR AWAY FROM HOME! 4) I see it like this.. I feel where you go to college is more than likely close to where you will live as an adult... umm.. California... sure why not!</p>
<p>"ivy league" means same sports division, just because a school isn't an ivy league doesn't mean it isn't as good, fool</p>
<p>Don't worry, busti, nobody was accusing you of being a prestige whore. They were just giving you some good advice: 1) Apply to schools you truly like. 2) Prestige is always a little bit important, but don't make it a priority. 3) "Ivy League" is NOT the only mark of academic excellence. Believe it or not, there are tons of great schools that AREN'T Ivies. 4) Many excellent schools don't exactly jump off the prestige charts, but they will challenge you and excite you and be worth all the efforts you gave in high school. I also think Brown students/applicants are touchy when it comes to the prestige issue, mostly because Brown is one of those places that you just fall head over heels in love with. And obsession is infinitely more powerful than prestige. </p>
<p>And I totally know what it feels like to want to escape from the clutches of your state school. I was really gratified when I received an acceptance letter from Rutgers, but I couldn't imagine a worse place for me to spend 4 years. But UT Austin is a great school. So you just can't lose.</p>
<p>No matter what, good luck with your college search!</p>
<p>Where you go to college is where you will live as an adult? </p>
<p>Mmm. I'm not so sure about that, but you could be right. I know that I want to go to the east coast for undergrad and hopefully (though I highly doubt it) end up at UCSF for Med. School. <em>dreams</em> Ahhh. And UCSF is home to me!</p>
<p>Oooh, oooh. I was not calling Busti a prestige-whore at all. Actually, I digress (oops), but I was talking about some of my classmates.</p>
<p>Well in Rhode Island, obviously, the Brown name turns heads, so if I get in I will probably receive a lot of attention. I wouldn't enjoy it very much though.</p>
<p>No, I know, spikedsoymilk. I think he thought he was being accused, though. Just wanted to clear that up. We're nice people here on the Brown board. :)</p>