Jackpot! NCLEX Pass Rates updated

<p>Hello, All!</p>

<p>I was trying to find some updated NCLEX passrates for some of the schools we are applying to, and first went to the link I found on CC which lists 2010 pass rates:</p>

<p>Four-Year</a> Undergraduate Nursing Programs</p>

<p>Then I did a search and found a few that might be helpful to you too as they list to 2012-13. Feel free to add those anyone else has found (copy/paste). (Might have been an easier way, but this is how I found it.) Hope it helps!</p>

<p>National Pass Rates as a whole (not by school):
<a href="https://www.ncsbn.org/1237.htm%5B/url%5D"&gt;https://www.ncsbn.org/1237.htm&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

DPH:</a> NCLEX Pass Rates</p>

Board</a> of Registered Nursing - NCLEX Pass Rates</p>

<a href="http://www.dpr.delaware.gov/boards/nursing/documents/Annual_NCLEX_Stats_1-2013.pdf%5B/url%5D"&gt;http://www.dpr.delaware.gov/boards/nursing/documents/Annual_NCLEX_Stats_1-2013.pdf&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>District of Columbia:
I could not find specifics anywhere, but here are approved programs:
<a href="http://doh.dc.gov/sites/default/files/dc/sites/doh/service_content/attachments/Approved_Nursing_Schools_website.pdf%5B/url%5D"&gt;http://doh.dc.gov/sites/default/files/dc/sites/doh/service_content/attachments/Approved_Nursing_Schools_website.pdf&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>and some info:
<a href="http://doh.dc.gov/sites/default/files/dc/sites/doh/release_content/attachments/SEPTEMBER%202013%20DC%20NURSE.pdf%5B/url%5D"&gt;http://doh.dc.gov/sites/default/files/dc/sites/doh/release_content/attachments/SEPTEMBER%202013%20DC%20NURSE.pdf&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

National</a> Council Licensure Examinations (NCLEX) by School</p>

<p>New Hampshire:
<a href="http://www.nh.gov/nursing/educational/documents/nclex2000-2009-rn.pdf%5B/url%5D"&gt;http://www.nh.gov/nursing/educational/documents/nclex2000-2009-rn.pdf&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>New Jersey (Not real helpful but some info...quarterly report.):
<a href="http://www.state.nj.us/lps/ca/nursing/reports/2013/2013_Q1_Report4_ResultsByEdProgNCLEX-RN_New%20Jersey%20Board%20of%20Nursing_08%20APR%202013.pdf%5B/url%5D"&gt;http://www.state.nj.us/lps/ca/nursing/reports/2013/2013_Q1_Report4_ResultsByEdProgNCLEX-RN_New%20Jersey%20Board%20of%20Nursing_08%20APR%202013.pdf&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>...Just a website that has some info (not sure how accurate):
<a href="https://www.easynclex.com/passrates/State_of_New_Jersey.html%5B/url%5D"&gt;https://www.easynclex.com/passrates/State_of_New_Jersey.html&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>New York:
NYS</a> Nursing:Nursing Programs:RN NCLEX Results: 2008-2012</p>

<a href="http://www.portal.state.pa.us/portal/server.pt/document/770539/nclex-performancern_pdf%5B/url%5D"&gt;http://www.portal.state.pa.us/portal/server.pt/document/770539/nclex-performancern_pdf&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

Virginia</a> Board of Nursing Education Programs</p>

<p>Thanks for posting. I just looked at the numbers for PA. programs, and most of the pass rates went down. The one program that did noticeably better in 2013 just lost their accreditation.</p>

<p>I understand that the national test is periodically changed, and it takes a couple years for the curriculum of some programs to catch up to the revised test.</p>

<p>Just saw another post with a few more states. Adding Maryland, Ohio, Texas. Hope it helps!</p>

<p>2010 pass rates:
[Four-Year</a> Undergraduate Nursing Programs](<a href=“http://www.bestnursingdegree.com/programs/bachelors-in-nursing/]Four-Year”>http://www.bestnursingdegree.com/programs/bachelors-in-nursing/) </p>

<p>National Pass Rates as a whole (not by school):
<a href=“https://www.ncsbn.org/1237.htm[/url]”>404 Page Not Found | NCSBN; </p>

<p>By State:</p>

[DPH:</a> NCLEX Pass Rates](<a href=“NCLEX Pass Rates”>NCLEX Pass Rates) </p>

[Board</a> of Registered Nursing - NCLEX Pass Rates](<a href=“http://www.rn.ca.gov/schools/passrates.shtml]Board”>http://www.rn.ca.gov/schools/passrates.shtml) </p>

<a href=“http://www.dpr.delaware.gov/boards/nursing/documents/Annual_NCLEX_Stats_1-2013.pdf[/url]”>http://www.dpr.delaware.gov/boards/nursing/documents/Annual_NCLEX_Stats_1-2013.pdf&lt;/a&gt; </p>

<p>District of Columbia:
I could not find specifics anywhere, but here are approved programs:
<a href=“| doh”>| doh; </p>

<p>and some info:
<a href=“| doh”>| doh; </p>

[Maryland</a> Board of Nursing - NCLEX Exam pass/fail rates in the State of Maryland](<a href=“http://www.mbon.org/main.php?v=norm&p=0&c=education/nlcex_stats.html]Maryland”>http://www.mbon.org/main.php?v=norm&p=0&c=education/nlcex_stats.html)</p>

[National</a> Council Licensure Examinations (NCLEX) by School](<a href=“http://www.mass.gov/eohhs/researcher/physical-health/nursing/nclex/]National”>http://www.mass.gov/eohhs/researcher/physical-health/nursing/nclex/) </p>

<p>New Hampshire:
<a href=“http://www.nh.gov/nursing/educational/documents/nclex2000-2009-rn.pdf[/url]”>http://www.nh.gov/nursing/educational/documents/nclex2000-2009-rn.pdf&lt;/a&gt; </p>

<p>New Jersey (Not real helpful but some info…quarterly report.):
<a href=“http://www.state.nj.us/lps/ca/nursing/reports/2013/2013_Q1_Report4_ResultsByEdProgNCLEX-RN_New%20Jersey%20Board%20of%20Nursing_08%20APR%202013.pdf[/url]”>http://www.state.nj.us/lps/ca/nursing/reports/2013/2013_Q1_Report4_ResultsByEdProgNCLEX-RN_New%20Jersey%20Board%20of%20Nursing_08%20APR%202013.pdf&lt;/a&gt; </p>

<p>…Just a website that has some info (not sure how accurate):
<a href=“https://www.easynclex.com/passrates/State_of_New_Jersey.html[/url]”>https://www.easynclex.com/passrates/State_of_New_Jersey.html&lt;/a&gt; </p>

<p>New York:
[NYS</a> Nursing:Nursing Programs:RN NCLEX Results: 2008-2012](<a href=“http://www.op.nysed.gov/prof/nurse/nurseprogs-nclexrn2008-12.htm]NYS”>http://www.op.nysed.gov/prof/nurse/nurseprogs-nclexrn2008-12.htm)</p>

Main (scroll down for statistics):
<a href=“Ohio Board of Nursing”>Ohio Board of Nursing;

<p>(135 document summary: Page 4 starts OH state; Page 1-3 is country summary):
<a href=“Ohio Board of Nursing”>Ohio Board of Nursing;

<a href=“http://www.portal.state.pa.us/portal/server.pt/document/770539/nclex-performancern_pdf[/url]”>http://www.portal.state.pa.us/portal/server.pt/document/770539/nclex-performancern_pdf&lt;/a&gt; </p>

<a href=“http://www.bon.texas.gov/about/January13/3-2-4.pdf[/url]”>http://www.bon.texas.gov/about/January13/3-2-4.pdf&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

[Virginia</a> Board of Nursing Education Programs](<a href=“DHP - 404”>Virginia Board of Nursing)</p>

<p>I have posted this info before but I thought it might be informational to post it again with this thread focusing on the NCLEX Exam. The NCLEX Exam’s format is different from any other exam format students are likely to take at most colleges. It is a multiple choice exam taken at a testing center. Once a student completes the first 75 questions the exam will stop if the student has passed or failed the exam but you will not be told at that time whether you passed or failed. If the exam continues past the first 75 questions the student has not as yet scored in a manner where they either passed or failed the exam. The exam will continue up to a max (I believe) of 225 questions. However the exam will stop at any point one the student has scored in a manner which would indicate they passed or failed the exam (again you will not be told at that time whether you passed or failed). Imagine the anxiety associated with having to answer questions beyond the first 75. It can seem like your whole nursing training hinges on the answer to one question as the exam might stop after you answer the question (especially if you are not 100% sure about the answer you choose). Again I just thought this info might be helpful to people. It is part of the “Rites of Passage” to becoming an RN.</p>

<p>Excellent info, Mwallenmd (and others) here and in the other thread, thanks! I am including everything here as an update. Hope it helps all!</p>

<p>How test is taken: The NCLEX Exam’s format is different from any other exam format students are likely to take at most colleges. It is a multiple choice exam taken at a testing center. Once a student completes the first 75 questions the exam will stop if the student has passed or failed the exam but you will not be told at that time whether you passed or failed. If the exam continues past the first 75 questions the student has not as yet scored in a manner where they either passed or failed the exam. The exam will continue up to a max (Mwallendmd believes) of 225 questions. However the exam will stop at any point one the student has scored in a manner which would indicate they passed or failed the exam (again you will not be told at that time whether you passed or failed). Imagine the anxiety associated with having to answer questions beyond the first 75. It can seem like your whole nursing training hinges on the answer to one question as the exam might stop after you answer the question (especially if you are not 100% sure about the answer you choose). </p>

<p>Also, Some colleges require you to take an HSEI exam which is a pre-NCLEX exam. Barnes and Nobles should have prep books for both.</p>


<p>2010 pass rates:
[Four-Year</a> Undergraduate Nursing Programs](<a href=“http://www.bestnursingdegree.com/programs/bachelors-in-nursing/]Four-Year”>http://www.bestnursingdegree.com/programs/bachelors-in-nursing/) </p>

<p>National pass rates as a whole (not by school):
<a href=“https://www.ncsbn.org/1237.htm[/url]”>404 Page Not Found | NCSBN; </p>

<p>BY STATE:</p>

[DPH:</a> NCLEX Pass Rates](<a href=“NCLEX Pass Rates”>NCLEX Pass Rates) </p>

[Board</a> of Registered Nursing - NCLEX Pass Rates](<a href=“http://www.rn.ca.gov/schools/passrates.shtml]Board”>http://www.rn.ca.gov/schools/passrates.shtml) </p>

<a href=“http://www.dpr.delaware.gov/boards/nursing/documents/Annual_NCLEX_Stats_1-2013.pdf[/url]”>http://www.dpr.delaware.gov/boards/nursing/documents/Annual_NCLEX_Stats_1-2013.pdf&lt;/a&gt; </p>

<p>District of Columbia:
I could not find specifics anywhere, but a couple of people posted this info:
Catholic U: 2011=74.2% and 2010=76.75%. They are applying a new program in Aug 2014 which is a 2 yr Nursing Exploratory major and a pre-test to enter/continue in Nursing program in Junior year. Info here: [Basic</a> Program of Study - Nursing - Catholic University of America - School of Nursing](<a href=“Conway School of Nursing | Washington, DC | Catholic University | CUA”>http://nursing.cua.edu/undergrad/basic/index.cfm)
Georgetown: 2012: 98-99% </p>

<p>DC approved programs:
<a href=“| doh”>| doh; </p>

<p>and some info:
<a href=“| doh”>| doh; </p>

<p>and an overview: [DC</a> Edition 36 Page 19](<a href=“http://epubs.democratprinting.com/publication/?i=147093&p=19]DC”>http://epubs.democratprinting.com/publication/?i=147093&p=19) </p>

[Maryland</a> Board of Nursing - NCLEX Exam pass/fail rates in the State of Maryland](<a href=“http://www.mbon.org/main.php?v=norm&p=0&c=education/nlcex_stats.html]Maryland”>http://www.mbon.org/main.php?v=norm&p=0&c=education/nlcex_stats.html)</p>

[National</a> Council Licensure Examinations (NCLEX) by School](<a href=“http://www.mass.gov/eohhs/researcher/physical-health/nursing/nclex/]National”>http://www.mass.gov/eohhs/researcher/physical-health/nursing/nclex/) </p>

<p>New Hampshire:
<a href=“http://www.nh.gov/nursing/educational/documents/nclex2000-2009-rn.pdf[/url]”>http://www.nh.gov/nursing/educational/documents/nclex2000-2009-rn.pdf&lt;/a&gt; </p>

<p>New Jersey (Not real helpful but some info…quarterly report.):
<a href=“http://www.state.nj.us/lps/ca/nursing/reports/2013/2013_Q1_Report4_ResultsByEdProgNCLEX-RN_New%20Jersey%20Board%20of%20Nursing_08%20APR%202013.pdf[/url]”>http://www.state.nj.us/lps/ca/nursing/reports/2013/2013_Q1_Report4_ResultsByEdProgNCLEX-RN_New%20Jersey%20Board%20of%20Nursing_08%20APR%202013.pdf&lt;/a&gt; </p>

<p>…Just a website that has some info (not sure how accurate):
<a href=“https://www.easynclex.com/passrates/State_of_New_Jersey.html[/url]”>https://www.easynclex.com/passrates/State_of_New_Jersey.html&lt;/a&gt; </p>

<p>New York:
[NYS</a> Nursing:Nursing Programs:RN NCLEX Results: 2008-2012](<a href=“http://www.op.nysed.gov/prof/nurse/nurseprogs-nclexrn2008-12.htm]NYS”>http://www.op.nysed.gov/prof/nurse/nurseprogs-nclexrn2008-12.htm)</p>

Main (scroll down for statistics):
<a href=“Ohio Board of Nursing”>Ohio Board of Nursing;

<p>(135 document summary: Page 4 starts OH state; Page 1-3 is country summary):
<a href=“Ohio Board of Nursing”>Ohio Board of Nursing;

<a href=“http://www.portal.state.pa.us/portal/server.pt/document/770539/nclex-performancern_pdf[/url]”>http://www.portal.state.pa.us/portal/server.pt/document/770539/nclex-performancern_pdf&lt;/a&gt; </p>

<a href=“http://www.bon.texas.gov/about/January13/3-2-4.pdf[/url]”>http://www.bon.texas.gov/about/January13/3-2-4.pdf&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

[Virginia</a> Board of Nursing Education Programs](<a href=“DHP - 404”>Virginia Board of Nursing)</p>