Practicing OOS, NCLEX Pass Rate and Catholic U

<p>Hello, All!</p>

<p>I had a few questions I wondered if anyone knew the answer D is applying to several nursing direct entry colleges (thank you CC for providing that Excel list!!!). Here are the questions:</p>

<li><p>If she graduates out of state and passes the NCLEX exam in that state, can she practice at home if she decides to come home after graduation or only in the state she graduates from/takes the NCLEX. (This could affect whether she stays in state or out of state.)</p></li>
<li><p>Does anyone have info about Catholic University of America's nursing program? I tried to find NCLEX pass rates and all I could find is that they were at 60% in 2009 or 2010 but nothing up to date except their grad school ranking from USNews. Not sure if it became better. (I'll post this on Catholic thread as well.)</p></li>

<p>For the pass rates, try to google district of columbia and Nclex pass rates. Some states post the info, and some don’t. If you don’t find it, send an email to an administrator of the program and ask for it, for the last 2 years.</p>

<p>Yes, the Nclex test is good for any state in the country. There may be some paperwork requirements to move from one state to another (so don’t wait till the last minute to start the paperwork process if relocating).</p>

<p>Thank you charlieschm! I did google DC and Nclex pass rates but could not find anything concrete. went to the DC gov website and didnt see anything listed there. Great advice…I will ask the administrator of the program for last two years of pass rate.</p>

<p>The NCLEX Exam is a National RN certification exam and is tied into the process whereby a Nursing Program graduate decides on where to apply for their first RN Nursing licensure. You cannot take the NCLEX exam until after you graduate and have your degree (so you might want to keep in mind where you will be living following graduation when you decide on which state you want to apply to for initial licensure). However you can take the exam in any state you want. You have to apply to the Nursing Board in that state, comply with any requirements they have, have your Nursing Program verify to them that you have a Nursing Degree, and once all this is done the State Nursing Board will give you permission to take the NCLEX exam. Only then can you apply on the NCLEX site to take the exam. This whole process can take some time (depending on the speed of the State Nursing Board) and some grads are not able to even take the exam for several months following graduation. NJ, for example, is notorious for taking a long time to get the required permission.</p>

<p>You only have to pass the exam one time. Once you have your first RN license you can then apply to other states via reciprosity to obtain future RN licenses in other states.</p>

<p>Write thank you mwallenmd! This is extremely helpful!</p>

<p>Wow I mean…not write lol…sent from my phone ugh !</p>