Jackson Laboratory SSP 2017


Congrats! @kygirl2015 who was the text from?

Yeah congrats!! @kygirl2015

I just read through basically this entire thread, if we have not heard from Jax yet is it most likely that we were not awarded a seat? I don’t want to pester them with emails or phone calls but seeing that many of you already received conformations makes me wonder if I was rejected and just not notified yet.

@moneil3 I’m not sure… did you get the email last thursday about the farmington campus? I feel like it could be a good or bad sign because they have sent out a lot of rejections, but at the same time, a good amount of people have been accepted as well

@vegucated26 No I haven’t heard from them since my recommendations were sent in unfortunately

ugh hopefully soon i have to respond to another offer by friday @moneil3

Its so frustrating I want to reach out but I don’t want to pester them

@moneil3 exactly, like what are they doing I don’t understand

@vegucated26 Personally I’m just assuming I didn’t get accepted where I haven’t heard a word from them but if you got that email on Thursday that’s a really good sign.

Idk I guess I just hope we get something soon at this point I just wanna know idc the outcome haha @moneil3

What email did you guys use to contact them?

I just read through pretty much this whole thread - I received the email last Thursday as well but nothing after that. I’m really anxious to hear back soon because I have a contract for a different summer program that has to be accepted or declined by the end of the week. I read thru some of the older threads for this program and it sounded like those who hadn’t heard back by this time in 2013 were on an ‘extended waitlist’ of some sort but not sure if they’re doing that this year too.

@otrastudying I am in the exact same situation. I will have to call or email tomorrow if I don’t hear back because this is getting a bit ridiculous

@vegucated26 yeah if I don’t hear by tomorrow that’s what I’m planning on doing too. Do you think its best to call or email? I don’t want to bug them but I just really want to know whats going on

@otrastudying I was going to ask you the same thing. I guess email because I feel like then they would be able to check it on their own time and not be interrupted with a phone call, but I’m not sure which email to use… do you know?

@vegucated26 thats kind of what I was thinking too, but I feel like emails are easily ignored but it’s probably better than being interrupted by a phone call still.

As for the email, I was thinking of sending it to summerstudents@jax.org but maybe Michael would be better? he seems to be in charge (or at least that’s where both of my emails came from so far) and I’m not sure if the summer one is an a monitored account

@otrastudying Yeah maybe I will try emailing both because all of the emails I have received have come from Michael as well

I don’t really know what to say either haha

What do you guys think the acceptance rate is gonna be for people that got the second email? Around 50/50 or much lower. Also, I really think that today is when theyll release decisions