Jacobs University Bremen Decisions!

<p>Thanks @JikeNat :slight_smile:
I am going to take Integrated Social and Cognitive Psychology and maybe double major with Integrated Social Sciences. Though, I have not decided yet whether I will go to JUB or not; I am expecting other college decisions as well.
Are you definitely doing there? What major are u planning? :)</p>

<p>I am going for Global Economics & Management.
If I can work out the financial stuff, I will definetely go to Jacobs because I think we will all profit from it in the long run.
Mind sharing your stats?</p>

<p>Great majors both of you at JikeNat and Seanā€¦
I would be doing Electrical and Computer Engineering with may be a dual in International Logisticsā€¦</p>

<p>no @JikeNat I donā€™t mind :slight_smile: what do you want to know about?</p>

<p>Me: intercultural relations and behavior .</p>

<p>PS: am informed that the fa packages would be reassessed and adjusted.</p>

<p>So, I just got the letter confirming that I got accepted. I hoped there would be any more information in it, but there wasnā€™t. Well, Iā€™ll accept the offer. Hope to see you all on August 25th! Iā€™ll major in Integrated Environmental Studies.</p>

<p>Major in Biotechnology. Would like to do a double-major, if i can take the workloads. second major option still undecided though.</p>

<p>I am gutted. I wasnā€™t offered any scholarships. Thatā€™s kinda strange. I thought I had a decent shot. I donā€™t know how I am going to afford it now.</p>

<p>For those who applied via Round one: How generous is the Aid Package? I require full aid. lol. Its practically impossible. Does this mean I should kiss my-German-dream goodbye?</p>


<p>wellā€¦errmā€¦actually among the colleges there is a saying that those who apply early tend to get more money. (jus look at the ED1&2 decisions of many LACs, eg. gettysburg college, they usually give out large amounts of money during the period of early decision)</p>

<p>But now you havent received any notification, it is just because they might not be able to assure you so much money cuz many of the EA applicants have not replied yet (maybe some of them might withdraw)</p>

<p>I think that your financial aid package would be sent quickly, but, you might not get much scholarship, instead, there might be a large amount of LOAN. </p>

<p>But just wait for a lil bit more time and see how things would change? =D</p>

<p>Yeaaaahā€¦ I kinda agree. Should have made up my mind earlier. Oh wellā€¦
But seriously. Whether loan or aid, will they cover my expenses, tuition fee and room/board? Or will my FinAid contain EFC that is not feasible?</p>

<p>They arenā€™t going to give me a 18000 Euro Loan, right? Or is it possible?
If yes (hypothetically speaking), then is it even possible to repay it? #justwondering</p>

<p>Congrats to those who got in. I am applying there as a transfer and am currently writing my essays. Does anyone want to share their essays with me please, I want to see some successful essay before I submit mine! </p>

<p>Thanks in advance:)</p>

<p>Hey :)</p>

<p>I just got accepted for Fall 2011, BCCB program. Iā€™m not quite sure if I want to go yet, but I got a pretty good scholarship and Germany sounds incredible. </p>

<p>Whereā€™re you all from? Anyone else interested in BCCB?</p>

<p>12.000/year, which means I could feasibly go (:</p>

<p>Iā€™ve no idea, I think it mostly has to do with the individual student. A lot of people have fantastic scores and grades, but since Jacobs is such an international campus Iā€™m thinking theyā€™re also looking for interesting perspectives and experiences. I have good scores/grades, but I was an exchange student in Africa as well and I wrote my essay about my experiences and future plans and I think that was certainly a contributing factor.</p>


<p>well the admission process of JUB is NEED BLIND. (much much better than most colleges in the states!!!)</p>

<p>so well, they will try to meet ur demonstrated needs. dont worry.
andā€¦there are campus jobs. =D and campus job is not counted as part of fa package.</p>

<p>btw, they wont offer u SO much loan, cuz u might not be able to repay 54,000 euro after u graduate. </p>


<p>well, about the merit aidā€¦ I dont know whether they would increase the scholarships.</p>

<p>mhmm. thanks Reconquista for the reassurance. Lets see how things work out.</p>

<p>Jacobs evaluation of a student is very interesting. They definitely donā€™t look at just the stats. There is much more to it. If any future applicant ever peeks into this thread. Remember this:
Your essay is crucial! Spend some time on it.</p>

<p>@kheiron1729: Iā€™m not so sure, if the essy is really crucial. I more or less wrote what came into my mind, so I wrote the essay in about 30 minutes and got accepted. Maybe I was lucky, but I donā€™t think so.</p>


<p>what i wanna sayā€¦ach meine goette!</p>

<p>Then it must be a passionate, and inspiring essay. =D</p>

<p>But anyway, there are essays that are written in a short time but are interesting and appealing. A friend of mine got in NYUAD and finished his personal statement also just in thirty minutes before the deadline.</p>

<p>I scrutinized on my essay over and over, butā€¦the more I or some other seniors revise it, the less attractive, or, moving it is.
A good essay does not need to be inpenetrable at logics butā€¦must be appealing~</p>

<p>PS: sometimes what u really lack is not ur glorious SATS or wutever, but is LUCK, or FORTUNE.
Or well, the destiny determines where u go, and makes the right choice for you. =D</p>


<p>@ Evangelica</p>

<p>itā€™s really not that easy for a foreigner to find a decent job in Germany, no matter u graduate from Swathmore or whatever. eg, a Bachelor degree from Colgate and one from ā€¦lets say univ of Rocherster might sound pretty much the same for an HR in Hongkong.
(But itā€™s xxxxx hard to get in Colgate!!!)</p>

<p>But as we say, it is u who creates opportunities. </p>

<p>PS: the graduates of JUB can actually find pretty good jobs butā€¦ well the chances for getting jobs change over time.</p>

<p>And in my opinion, the Germans count a lot on ur real ability and ur major instead ur diploma or blah.</p>

<p>Thatā€™s just my point of view. =D</p>