Jacobs University Bremen Decisions!

<p>@Evangelica!: Finding jobs on Campus will be hard in the first year… but easier in the second year. I am in the same boat as you are and will be needing a campus job. Further Jacobs is respected by the employers like Airbus, Voith, Fraunhofer Inst. So job prospect is good IF you are good! :)</p>

<p>I got a 12000 Euro per year scholarship. I have even paid my enrollment deposit! :D</p>

<p>I have PMed you.</p>

<p>Everyone seems to have been accepted by JUB, have there been any rejections as well?</p>

<p>^^i was wondering the same thing…lol…ANYONE rejected yet?!</p>

<p>^ lol. its difficult to find any stats on JUB admissions (i am tired of goggling)!</p>

<p>^^ My question exactly. But I could not find it anywhere.</p>

<p>Evangelica, I read an article ages ago which had mentioned that JUB’s acceptance rate was slightly more than 55%.</p>

<p>When is the deadline to submit enrollment deposit for round 2?</p>

<p>I don’t remember the date. </p>

<p>Acceptance rate doesn’t really matter!!
Also, why are you so much interested in acceptance rate of JUB? </p>

<p>You should try asking the admissions officers about it. I’m sure they’ll help you out. :)</p>

<p>The best way to contact JUB officials is to give them a call.</p>

<p>The acceptance rate at U MASS AMHERST is around 70% but its department of linguistics is among the top threes in the states. </p>

<p>The acceptance rate at U Indiana Bloomington is also quite high but, bunches of top students go there cuz the quality is not bad and they are not wealthy enough to afford the education at some top schools. (but it does has great business major)</p>

<p>And, for Chinese applicants, last year, the acceptance rates at U Mich, UIUC, Wisconsin Madison, Purdue, are hell ya high, and no one really wanna go there cuz the acceptance rate is way too high…for the majority students, they use these schools as SAFETY, that is too say, unless they were rejected all the other schools in their lists, they would go there. but UIUC has got excellent EE major and, the other schools are also great in certain fields.</p>

<p>what is more, u might never understand why some people with great STATS choose some colleges which are among the SAFETY’S as their first choices. LOL.</p>

<p>Do not judge a college just according to the rankings and acceptance rate.</p>

<p>QUOTE ‘and community colleges in the US do then I don’t want to to go to that college and study among idiots.’</p>

<p>Even if you think so, do not say so in the public. To some people, that might be offensive.</p>

<p>Sarah Palin did attend community colleges but, it was just because she had no money.</p>

<p>There ARE quite many great, intelligent and hard working students who finally go and study at community colleges. (This was once quite common among the veterans)
But some top colleges like Amherst, do accept transfer students or whatever from Community colleges. </p>

<p>People choose where they go due to various reasons, and some might withdraw places at HYP because of economic hardships at home.
And…many people do not even have chance to receive higher education but they do succeed!</p>

<p>College is nothing more than a starting point.
EVEN IF one gets into Upenn, he would not necessarily get an offer from Morgan Stanely.</p>

<p>EVEN IF one goes to Community College, he might also succeed as a scholar.</p>

<p>THAT’S IT.</p>

<p>Just my point of view.</p>

<p>Can anybody reply to #214?</p>

<p>@lopsided: May 1st</p>

<p>Recon, I fully agree with you. :)</p>

<p>(I have until now sent about 10 e-mails and received 0 replies.)
^^I am really surprised by this. They respond to my e-mails within a few hours (sometimes minutes) after I send them!!
Plus, they respond to phone calls quite promptly, u might wanna try that.</p>

<p><a href="mailto:admission@jacobs-university.de">admission@jacobs-university.de</a><a href=“this%20one%20is%20the%20most%20reliable!”>/email</a></p>

<p><a href="mailto:m.kiroga@jacobs-university.de">m.kiroga@jacobs-university.de</a><a href=“don’t%20ask%20financial%20queries%20to%20her,%20she%20gets%20****ed%20off,lol”>/email</a></p>

<p><a href="mailto:n.trey@jacobs-university.de">n.trey@jacobs-university.de</a><a href=“this%20one%20for%20finaid”>/email</a></p>

<p>From my experiences, JUB has been quite eager to communicate with me.</p>

<p>JUB admissions advisor revealed to me that the average SAT scores of applicants is 600 in each section ( unsure if it is average score of admitted students as well) so the admission rate of 55% seems right .</p>

<p>My score is 1810 (CR- 640, Math-560, W- 610), I was sick the day I took the test so did not perform to my best. I have emailed my medical certificate to JUB so they will consider that.</p>

<p>So can someone please tell me what are my chances? Is the SAT score too low as my financial need is quite high. </p>

<p>I am a transfer student, and my GPA was 3.6 in my British University. TOEFL score is 110.</p>

<p>@fireworks4ever …why the worry? Consider yourself accepted if you wrote a decent essay and presented yourself pretty fine. I got a lower score than that, but got accepted and even got a merit scholarship. Generally, nobody will deny you admission just because of SAT scores. Surely, how can the admission committee base their decisions on just a single test, let alone SAT? If your current teachers speak well of you, and your academics and co-curricular activities are also fine, rest assured you are in.</p>

<p>@lindoc. Thank you for sharing that information with me, I am mighty relieved! I just hope JUB is not more selective when it comes to transfer students.</p>

<p>fireworks, JUB is need blind; which means, they don’t care a bit about how much you asked in aid! Also, they are need meeting institution; that means they’ll fully meet your demonstrated need.</p>