Jacobs University Bremen Decisions!

<p>Congrats everyone!:slight_smile: i’m also accepted. given merit scholarship worth 6,000 Euros too. Anyone wanna share their stats? (:</p>


<p>u’v got really impressive STATS! especially your toefl!</p>

<p>I totally understand your disappointment!!!
When I looked at your stats, I couldn’t believe that you only got 6.000 a year…</p>

<p>That makes me wonder whether the merit aid is also based on where you’re from, and not only your test scores…</p>


<p>BTW.where u from then? =D</p>

<p>at first I was also just offered 6,000 merit based scholarship but the financial aid package was quite nice. Family contribution 1800 euro and Loan 5700 euro (annually)
the financial aid packages of jacobs univ are really great…a big contrast to those of most of the colleges in the states.</p>

<p>what is more,what I am granted is the China scholarship . This grant is only offered to residents in China. So that’s why now I have 3 times more than what you are awarded. =D</p>

<p>and, do not worry about the financial aid, they have not yet finished processing the packages.</p>

<p>BTW. Reconquista would never reach China during the middle ages cuz there is Chinggis Khan and other marvelous rulers. LOL. I would rather like to define reconquista as a process through which the uncivilized would be trained to reach certain height of sophistication. kind lyke ‘white man’s burden’.</p>

<p>reconquista de homo loquensa. XD</p>

<p>@Reconquista: What are you gonna do in Osnabrück? ;)</p>

<p>I’m sure they look into many different perspectives. They don’t define talented student=student who got perfect score. Thats the thing bout US based edu system isn’t it? </p>

<p>Oh btw, @deutschsprache, i hope you’re not implying me as the AVERAGE APPLICANT you talking bout :slight_smile: I understand you’re angry, but chill. If you don’t like the university, just don’t attend. I’m sure it’s their loss for not having talented student like you.</p>


<p>Why not going JUB? ); have you already decided which university to attend?</p>


<p>Meine Gastfamilie war in Osnabrueck und hatte ich da sehr lange gewohnnt und auch da zur Schule gegangen. =D</p>

<p>Es war sehr schoen in Osnabrueck… Die Asiatische Laden war einfach super.</p>


<p>Do not use inappropriate language on a public forum please. that’s not so nice. =D</p>

<p>Q’i think it accident that columbus ended up discovereing america instead of china.'Q</p>

<p>Well , do not forget about Marco Polo and Matteo Ricci. The former glorious man introduced China, where streets are built with gold and precious stones to the european governers long before the exploration of Columbus. and I was taking our Khan as an example, not to demonstrate his protection over China from the intruders. =.= The later commissioner just told the valiant european explorers that…well, no such gold thing in China. XDDD Btw, during ming dynasty, there was a ban on maritime trade,so, it was just impossible fore the white conquerors to get into the interior parts of China. (The Hollanders were swept out of Formosa) </p>

<p>And the conquistadores went to the americas mainly in purpose of pillaging gold and silver, which would bring prosperity to the home markets in europe. The newly developed commodity based economy did need a tremendous amount of precious metal to feed it. What is more the initial motivation of Columbus was to contrast the flat earth theory and to navigate directly to the indian ocean and also to find a new route for trade which would not be obstructed by the osmans. the initial incentive was not to raze, but to trade, or communicate.)</p>

<p>and apparantly you have mistook ‘reconquista’. well but wut ever.</p>

<p>Last but not least, it is not JUB’s obligation ,or duty to grant a large amount of scholarship. There are bunches of HYPers from Nepal, India and Pakistan who are really brilliant applicants. </p>

<p>So, whatever.</p>

<p>^^^ Aptly said… I marvel at your history GK! Great! :D</p>

<p>I don’t see where kimathi was bragging. Having been accepted into MIT is incredible and the fact that even someone who got accepted into MIT “only” receives 9.000 should show you that 6.000 is not too bad.
Furthermore, you are being given 6.000 Euros…that is 18.000 over 3 years. Where else in life do you get 18.000 Euros for free?! This is money, that other people earned for you, given to you because they want to support you. So please, show some gratitude!</p>

<p>It would be great if someone can create a forum or group in Facebook for the Accepted students at JUB…</p>

<p>I apologize if I came across as boastful, it was not my intention. I thought we were all sharing merit aid figures. </p>

<p>and really the difference between 9.000 and 6.000 isn’t that much and will no doubt be made up with financial aid! You really should be proud of yourself though I do not understand the sense of entitlement some people have? Being egocentric will get you nowhere.</p>

<p>@Ahoy91: There is a group, look for: Jacobs University Class of 2014, I’ve already joined it ;)</p>

<p>I have not received any follow up emails. DOES that mean I did not receive any merit aid? :(</p>

<p>Hey lopsided.
My advice is to just call the admissions team and ask. I’ve talked to them quite a few times now and they are always willing to help and answer your questions.
But even if you are not receiving any merit aid, they will still make it somehow possible for you to attend JUB, so don’t worry :)</p>

<p>Am glad the arguments are over. :slight_smile: . But final word, SATs are just but a tiny fraction of what the admission team look for. You would not believe i got admission to Jacobs if I told you my SAT scores. Anyway, who will be in the EECS class?</p>

<p>Anyone going for Global Economics & Management?</p>

<p>Hey guys, got in with 12,000 merit scholarship :slight_smile: waiting for the complete financial aid package now :)</p>

<p>Congrats @Seangog!
What major are u going for?</p>


No,you were not boastful at all.I asked you about where you were going and you responded,how is that boastful?It’s a great achievement to get into MIT,and looking at your stats(nice work on the CIE Awards) you deserved it 100%.I don’t see why you shouldn’t be congratulated.Geez,people.Have you heard from Stanford yet?</p>