Jacobs University Bremen Decisions!

<p>Does someone know if JUB is transfer friendly or not? Has anyone transfered there or knows someone who did?</p>

<p>@Evangelica: You are kind of right. I’m German and it is one my biggest concerns. Jacobs has a fantastic reputation internationally but isn’t that popular within Germany yet. I think that over the years, this aspect will change and it will start becoming really popular. So you may not profit from your degree compared to other schools right away, but I’m pretty sure that it will help you in the long run.</p>

<p>@fireworks4ever: My stats are about the same and I got accepted. Actually, I also had 110 on the TOEFL and 1820 on the SAT. Nevertheless, you can never base a JUB decision just on the stats. I know that they weigh it in when it comes to the scholarships but in the application, they look at your whole profile.</p>

<p>I dont care about ranks and reputations. Its all about the quality of education. If you work hard and have sufficient knowledge, you will eventually make ur way to the top.</p>

<p>True words!!! @kheiron1729
It is just something that you have to consider, especially when you’re from Germany. Paying 22.000 a year is a lot of money if you can attend public universities that are really really good for free. Therefore, Jacobs really has to make a difference in your life if you choose to pay that much. I wouldn’t be in this thread though if I didn’t think the way you do about Jacobs ;)</p>

<p>Who HAS NOT gotten their financial aid packages yet, and was admitted in round 2? I’m getting kinda worried I haven’t heard a thing about financial aid after they said I was accepted and that the fin aid application was complete.</p>

<p>@kheiron, exactly what I think!</p>

<p>@jivybound11, they said they will inform about the aid within Monday (11th April). If they don’t, we should call them.</p>

<p>@seriousrem hmmm… they said they’d take less than three weeks to send fin. aid. packages. oh well, at least someone else is in the same boat i am.</p>

<p>Can someone answer the post # 232 please?</p>

<p>I haven’t got the Admission Packet (by mail) or the Financial Aid Package (by email) yet!
What about you guys? Should I be worried? BTW I am from Pakistan</p>

<p>Is it possible to delete post(s) on CC? just wondering.</p>

<p>^don’t think so…you’re trapped…:D</p>

<p>Do we get our Financial aid packages by mail or email? im from Pakistan and havent got mine yet.</p>

<p>What about the Admission Packet, xnemox? Have you got that?</p>

<p>I have already received the paper copy of my financial aid package. (it has been recently adjusted)</p>

<p>and have submitted my enrollment deposit today. =D</p>

<p>I have received two mailings from Jacobs already. </p>

<p>I was in Round II as well.</p>

<p>Okay, I just got my packet but there is no enrollment form…And the acceptance letter is weird (and it is signed by student assistant :confused:).
Aren’t we supposed to receive some sort of enrollment form…The only things in my packet are:
A map of Bremen, A booklet regarding Bremen tourism…A leaflet highlighting the next steps and that weird letter.
I’m wondering if this is actually the acceptance packet!..Or is it a follow-up packet???</p>

<p>^at least you got SOMETHING :(</p>

<p>Hi :slight_smile:
I want to apply to JUP as well and I was wondering if anybody could help me with this question: “Which Feature of Jacobs University´s Transdisciplinary Approach Most Interests You”? I don’t really now what a transdisciplinary approach is… does it mean that you take two subjects at once? Like international management and business?</p>

<p>And another question: I’m not a member of any social groups or anything, I used to be class representative, I tutor kids and did three internships but nothing as outstanding as some of you did. Do you think I still have a chance at getting in?
(My Abitur will be between 1.9 and 2.2 (I really want 1.9!!!))</p>

<p>Thank you:)</p>

<p>@lopsided…did the packet mention anything about aid?</p>