Jacobs University Bremen Decisions!

<p>well, i got mine approximately six, seven hours ago</p>

<p>@ evangelica…i think we didn’t get any aid…is that possible??</p>

<p>Hey people
I just got mine too.
For those who are from pakistan… How generous are your packages?</p>

<p>^through email?</p>

<p>i would rate what i got 3. although i got a total of 16000 euro in aid, it is lower than what i expected. it isnt exactly ‘bad’ but it couldve been better. jacobs isnt particularly generous with aid, but they do love to hand out loans.</p>

<p>Qwert11, How much is your loan per semester?</p>

<p>@xnemox: well, my package is quite good, but i also had a 9k scholarship so i can’t exactly tell how good the aid packages are of other people from Pakistan. However, Jacobs does usually give you enough aid, although the loan factor is usually large but it is also easy to pay it back :)</p>

<p>xnemox, i got 4500 euro as loan. i asked them to make it 2500 and add the rest to the EFC.</p>

<p>Oh good luck with that qwerty11
my loan is 6k per year. =/</p>

<p>So, who has decided to go to Jacobs from Nepal?</p>

<p>@qwerty11: What is EFC?</p>

<p>^Expected Family Contribution.</p>

<p>WhaT? It is even possible to add some amount into EFC by deducting amount from loans?</p>

<p>That means you will have to pay that money up front. I don’t understand the suprise.</p>

<p>^If the finaid office knew by studying the student’s declaration of finances that he can pay 5.ooo euro per year then why would they make him pay only 3.ooo and add 2 extra thousands to his loans?</p>

<p>^stop being dumb.</p>

<p>You will still end up paying up the loan anyway…</p>

<p>In all my financial aid awards, I have been given the option of declining some aid, mostly loans, or even in some cases adding some aid, again through loans. It is up to you to decide which components of the FinAid package you want and which ones you do not!</p>

<p>^i agree wiv u. =D</p>

<p>well, they are just trying to make the education affordable for you…trying to make it possible for you to enroll. The intention is good.</p>

<p>And…some other colleges in the states might just accept you and offer you only 20k USD/year even though you have indicated that you could just pay 10k a year…So it really hurts eigh…</p>

<p>hey guys, i gotta decide between HKU and Jacobs so any advice would be appreciated…HKU would be twice as costly and its admission offer is also conditional on my A level grades, whereas i’ll have to manage a 5k euro loan at Jacobs per annum…and thank you in advance :)</p>


<p>so another question about the application: how did you send it? in a binder or folder or stapled ?</p>

<p>thanks again :)</p>